Catalog#: ANT04
Format: CDr, Album
Country: Italy
Released: 30 Sep 2001
14 works recorded 1988–1992:
1 Intro 0:31
2 Valerie Loop 5:22
3 When Julia Smiles 3:31
4 Miren Maitea 3:02
5 Coltrane 2:38
6 Krill 6:32
7 Lovloop 4:08
8 Hiris 3:03
9 Sunshine Breakfast 2:40
10 Parallel Lines 2:33
11 Lontano 2:21
12 Waterblue 4:08
13 Watamu 4:38
14 The Jean Plan 3:30
詩的なピアノ、チターの古雅な響き、ミニマルなシーケンスに浮かび上がる美しいメロディ。クワイエットでメランコリックな情景を心に描くヴェネチアの音楽家Gigi Masin(ジジ・マシン)。「Lontano」は、名作「The Wind Collector」レコーディングの時期と重なる1988年から1992年にかけての音源がコンパイルされた2001年作。エクスペリエンタル/ジャジーな霧がかった蒼いアンビエンス、浜辺で過ごした遠い記憶のような切なさ漂う#2 "Valerie Loop" や #12 "Waterblue"など、より実験的な音の海を帆走するインストゥルメンタル集 。レーベルはTom Johnson(トム・ジョンソン)、Pietro Grossi(ピエトロ・グロッシ)、Pierluigi Castellano(ピエルルイジ・カステラーノ)、Luca Miti(ルカ・ミティ)などの電子音響/ミニマル作品をリリースするAnts。「ロンターノ」は「遠くから聞こえるように/木霊のように演奏」を意味するクラシックの楽語。
The music of this CD came from the period1990-1992, with two titles coming back from the eighties.Masin’s poetry turn around the expanded sense of time of his compositions. The music emerges from silence and to silence return. The pieces are suspended moments in the stream of time, shots of a personal sounding journey that show itself in a clear form. All the tracks seems coming from a “limbo”, a no man’s land of the eternal time, with a magical, and imaginative, character.The first element is the “imagination”: the imagination of the author, who tends to photograph and short-circuit, in the repetition, the sound particles, and the imagination of the listener, discreetly pervaded by the music. The slow minimalist sequences, the looping and lyrical melodies, the obstinate electronic cadences, are the sounding signs of Masin. Signs of the simplicity and, at the same time, the depth of sound.Gigi Masin: keyboards, piano, guitar, tapes; Marco Barel: tenor sax; Jim Martyniack:spoken words.
via Ants
Save The Netlabel:
Intervista a MARIO MARINO (Laverna netlabel)
[other fav track]
no easy way out (release date unknown)