[879] Bark Psychosis - Hex
Label: Circa
Catalog#: CIRCA 29
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: UK
Released: 1994
A1 The Loom 5:15
A2 A Street Scene 5:35
A3 Absent Friend 8:20
A4 Big Shot 5:17
B1 Fingerspit 8:21
B2 Eyes & Smiles 8:30
B3 Pendulum Man 9:53
ギター/ヴォーカル担当のGraham Sutton(グラハム・サットン)を中心に、86年に東ロンドンで結成されたグループBark Psychosis(バーク・サイコシス)の初作。空間性を重視したダウントーンなバンド・アンサンブルで、David Sylvian〜Talk Talk/Malk Holis〜Dif Juz系統の物憂げなインテリジェンスを90年代にアップデート。蒼白い炎熱を内に秘め、夢想的なアンビエンスと緊張感を並存させた作風は、後にベッドルーム音響派やポスト・ハードコア勢を交え隆盛するポストロックやスロウコアの雛形に。2012年にスペインのViNiLiSSSiMOによりヴァイナルでリイシュー。
Bark Psychosis gave the world Post-Rock. Formed in 1986, when the members were about only 14, they took from experimental innovators such as Sonic Youth and Joy Division, they soon created a revolution with their ambient soundscapes and textured rock, spawning countless bands of similar nature. The band at this time was bassist John Ling, drummer Mark Simnott and vocalist Graham Sutton. "Clawhammer" was soon released in 1988. Their first single was released in 1989; "All Different Things", and then "Nothing Feels in 1990". Soon after picking up former DISCO INFERNO keyboardist Daniel Gish, the Manman EP was released, each release showing huge growth in their sound. "Scum" was soon released in 1992, soon followed by the revolutionary "Hex", where post-rock was founded. Soon after, the band released a final single and then broke up in 1997, compilations following. - www.progarchives.com
[878] Baby Armie - Proto-Ambient Mix
ANTS Podcast #013
Proto-Ambient: Atmospheric Electronic Pieces, 1955-1976 by Baby Armie
01. Raymond Scott - "Little Miss Echo" (1964)
02. Kid Baltan - "Night Train Blues" (19??)
03. Terry Riley - "A Rainbow in Curved Air" (1969)
04. Jon Appleton - "Hommage to Orpheus" (1969)
05. Attilio Mineo - "Boeing Spacearium" (1962)
06. Hugh Le Caine - "Dripsody" (1955)
07. Vaclav Nelhybel - "Interplanetary Journey" (1959)
08. Suzanne Ciani - "Paris 1971" (19??)
09. Charlemagne Palestine - "Opening-Closing" (1968)
10. Russell Pinkston - "Emergence" (1976)
11. Tangerine Dream - "Sunrise in the Third System" (1973)
12. Tom Dissevelt - "Waltzing Mathilda" (19??)
13. Daphne Oram & Desmond Briscoe - "The Ocean (Main Theme)" (1958)
14. Douglas Leedy - "Silent Night" (1971)
15. Louis and Bebe Barron - "Robby, Make Me a Gown" (1956)
16. Vangelis - "La Mer Recommencee" (1970)
17. Jean-Michel Jarre - "Deserted Palace" (1972)
18. J.D. Robb - "Excerpt from Spatial Serenade" (1970)
The term "ambient music" was coined by Brian Eno in the mid-1970s, and he is largely credited as the genre's founder. However academics, studio engineers, and a few well-off counterculturalists were using electronics to aid in making music that could functionally be identified as "ambient" decades before the word was thrown around. This playlist highlights such efforts. I chose to use the term "proto-ambient" to describe this music, but really plain ol' "ambient" works just as well in most cases. Also just a quick aside to my listeners who may be yearning for more beat-driven dance music sets. I'm just having fun with something different at the moment. This podcast is meant to be eclectic, even though I tend to stay tethered to dance music. Rest assured—the beats will come back. - Baby Armie SoundCloud
Baby Armie - ANTS Podcast
RA: Baby Armie Biography
[877] Steven Wilson - Tape Experiments 1985/86
Label: ToneFloat
Catalog#: TF107
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: Netherlands
Released: 2010
A1 Cries Of Lucia 10:34
A2 I May Be Some Time 5:57
A3 Constellation 3:23
B1 Them No 1 4:31
B2 The Life And Times Of Sigmund Freud 3:56
B3 Wood Between Worlds 5:12
B4 Seen 3:47
薄暗系シンフォニック・ロックバンドPorcupine Tree、No-Man、Blackfieldなどのグループで活動するイングランドのソングライターSteven Wilson(スティーヴン・ウィルソン)。2010年にSoundCloudで無料公開された後、ヴァイナルでリリースされた85-86年録音エクスペリメンタル/アンビエント・ワークス。
[876] Oscar Vargas Leal Y David Espejo Aviles - Cromometrofonia No.1 / Cometa 1973
Catalog#: SVT 007
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: Mexico
Released: 1973
01 Cometa 1973 11:05
02 Cromometrofonia N°1 11:00
民俗音楽への関心から独自の微分音理論を考究したメキシコの作曲家/ヴァイオリニストJulián Carrillo(ジュリアン・カリージョ)の音律構造を基に製作された96弦の特大微分音ハープARPA citera。Carrilloのもとで楽理を学んだOscar Vargas Leal(オスカー・バルガス・リール)とDavid Espejo Aviles(デヴィッド・エスペホ・アビレス)による演奏を収めた1973年作品。弦中心部では余韻も長く、狭い音程間隔にグリッサンドを多用しているためおおよそ房状和音の状態で、地下トンネルの反響や、飛行機の通過音、爬虫類の嘶く声も連想される、通常の弦楽器の範疇を超える霊妙な響き。水でいえば澱み、風でいえば凪ぎ、というように「停滞・緩徐・微動」の速度感で、聴感は暗いですが、ごく低明度の色相をグルグルと循環し続けるような不思議な色味の音響が奏されています。おそらく微分音の世界にユニークな功績を残した作品と思いますが、ここでは、酩酊状態のArnold Dreyblatt、現代音楽化したLaraaji……または弦楽アンビエントの極北として。
Julián Carrillo, arpas y pianos y su música
Músico mexicano: Julián Carrillo y el Sonido 13. Microtonalismo, teoría y práctica musical, música microtonal y microinterválica.
堀内宏公 - 彩耳記7 響きの彼方へ~共鳴・倍音・アンビエンス
[875.1] Músicas Posibles: A propósito de Suso Sáiz
RTVE.es - Radio 3
Músicas Posibles - A propósito de Suso Sáiz
(broadcast: 04/03/14)
Primer martes de mes, programa especial por tanto, en el que hablamos y escuchamos música en torno al gran SUSO SÁIZ, de quien escribió Nacho Sáenz de Tejada ya en 1992 " una apuesta personal al margen de lo cotidiano y, por tanto, admirable por la dificultad que entraña enfrentarse musicalmente al mundo en soledad" - Músicas posibles blog
Primer martes de mes, programa especial por tanto, en el que hablamos y escuchamos música en torno al gran SUSO SÁIZ, de quien escribió Nacho Sáenz de Tejada ya en 1992 " una apuesta personal al margen de lo cotidiano y, por tanto, admirable por la dificultad que entraña enfrentarse musicalmente al mundo en soledad" - Músicas posibles blog
track list.
Los Cangrejos No Duermen Boca Arriba (Símbolos, DRO)
Te Voy a Dejar (Blues) w/Cuarteto Bellas Artes (BSO Novios, Bocatv)
Point Of View (Mirrors of pollution, NO-CD)
Ya Son Dos Los Cielos (En la piel del cruce, WARNER)
Es La Soledad Del Hombre (Símbolos, DRO)
El Color De Los Simbolos (Símbolos, DRO)
Mirror's Devotion (Mirrors of pollution, NO-CD)
El Tiempo y La Realidad (K, NO-CD)
Estação Madriz w/Wagner Tiso & Vicente Amigo (Baobab, SGAE)
[875] Fondation - Metamorphoses
Catalog#: FC 8011
Format: Cassette, Album
Country: France
Released: 1980
A1 Quelque Part 6:05
A2 Climat Nocturne 1:48
A3 Quand Il Faut Parler D'Amour 5:00
A4 Cathédrale 6:00
A5 Le Songe 1:00
A6 Le Rève 3:05
A7 Locquirec 5:45
A8 Un Beau Zeste 3:35
B1 Basso Double 6:37
B2 Sur La Place 2:35
B3 Divertissement 7:30
B4 Danse Étrange 3:20
B5 Gigue 2:45
B6 Apparence Dans La Nuit 5:07
B7 Choral 4:00
パリ出身のビジュアル作家/マルチ奏者Jacques Ivan Coaquett(ジャック・イワン・コケット)。64年から72年にかけミラノに移り住み、即興集団Musica Elettronica Vivaやフルクサス運動に参加、72年帰郷後はSpacecraft、Ariel KalmaやTim Blakeらと共にDelired Cameleon Familyの一員として活動。(両グループとも電子サイケ秘宝を発掘するwah wahより再版)本作は、80年代初頭にAnannka Raghelと結成したスペースロック・ユニットFondation名義の初タイトル。Raghelはピアノ/オルガン/ボワ・セレステ(ふいごで風を送りリード・オルガンを演奏するオルゴール)など主に鍵盤、Coaquettはギター/ベース/シンセ/パーカッションを担当し、オーバートーン・ヴォイスや環境音も取り入れながら箱庭的な妄想コスミッシェを展開。オルガン・ミニマル"Quand Il Faut Parler D'Amour"、歪んだシーケンス+緩いギター"Le Reve"など、初期Tangerine Dream、AshraやTerry Rileyを彷彿とさせるような、同時期のミニマル・シンセとは対照的なプログレ世代の反復音楽多数。カセット3作品を録音しFondationの活動を終えた84年ころから、Coaquettは音楽活動を離れ絵画作品の制作に専念。未だリイシューされていない作品ですが、現在はAntony 'Tom' ThomasのSandpiper Recordsによりarchive.org(Internet Archive)を通じてデータが公開されています。
Jacques Ivan Coaquette est né le 4 Novembre 1943 à Paris 12ème.
1961-1963 : Ecole Nationale des Beaux Arts de Paris : auditeur libre dans la section dessin.
1964-1972 : Vit et travaille à Milan (Italie),alternant la peinture,les collages et la musique. S’intéresse aux Surréalistes et expérimente le monotype. Rencontre le groupe théâtral le Living Theater à Milan.
1968-1971 : Rencontre le groupe Musica Elettronica Viva à Rome (Italie), avec lequel il travaille et participe à de nombreux concerts, actions musicales collectives et performances en Europe. Découvre le Mouvement Fluxus.
1972-1983 : De retour en France,il poursuit et approfondit sa recherche polyvalente (peinture, collages et musique) et crée des environnements scéniques où interviennent également l'image et la lumière, avec Barved Zumizion et Laser Graphics.
Depuis 1984 : vit et travaille à Paris, en se consacrant uniquement à son oeuvre picturale.
[874] BCR: Bill Kouligas with guest Into The Light Mix
ベルリンのクリエイティヴ・シーンを発信するオンライン・ラジオBerlin Community Radio(BCR)。エレクトロニックの先鋭レーベルPANのオーナーBill Kouligasによる新しいプログラムに、ギリシャの知られざるエレクトロニック・ミュージックを発掘するInto The LightがゲストMixで登場。
Bill Kouligas 00.00:25 - 01.02:50
1. Night in the Country
2. Lewis - Summer's Moon
3. Tom James Scott - Skire
4. Don Robertson - Belief
5. Orchestra of The Eighth Day - In Country Sleep
6. Urban Sax - Part 4
7. Toru Takemitsu - Rain Tree
8. Luis Delgado - La Gran Torre De Samarah
9. Ragnar Grippe - Prelude
10. Bobby Brown - Axonda
11. Malcolm Cecil - Sun Song
12. Andrew Chalk & Tom James Scott - Speaking To The Rose
13. Babia - Misterio Del Entendimiento
14. Beti - Obama Ondoua Ebini
15. Polonio - Tiento
16. Randomize - Movilidad Incesante
17. S.P. Posse - Untitled
18. Luc Marianni - Champs De Cristal
19. Enrique Mateu De Villavicencio - Orientate
Into The Light: Illias Pitsios (guest) 01.02:50 - 02.00.30
all exclusive unreleased material
by Akis, D. Petsetakis and G. Theodorakis.
[related mixes]
[873] Wendy Reid - Tree Pieces
Label: Frog Recordings
Catalog#: FR 1004
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: US
Released: 1988
A1 Tree Piece #34 'Frog Ostinato' 9:00
A2 Tree Piece #10 12:10
B1 Tree Piece #8 7:40
B2 Tree Piece #21 'Bird Music' 18:40
Recorded at Hyde Street Studios, San Francisco, CA.
Tree Piece #21 "bird music". Violin, percussion, and tape.
Tree Piece #34 "frog ostinato". Oboe, percussion, and tape.
Tree Piece #8. Solo percussion.
Tree Piece #10. Violin, percussion, and tape.
discography & notes ▲
TREE PIECES is an on-going set of musical processes which attempt to reflect nature's manner of operations. Because the pattern or order of nature functions as a single process without division, contrary to the state of control in which there exists a duality (-one element commanding and the other obeying), control in the compositional process is removed by varying degrees from piece to piece.
The processes are contextual in nature thus allowing the performers to act according to the unpredictable conditions and variables which arise from within the musical continuity. In this way, the compositions attempt to reflect the inter-connection of all things (including ourselves) in nature. In performance, an attempt is made at a spontaneous unforced and unblocked growing of sound and silence in which emphasis is placed on formation rather than pre-established form, as in the building and shaping of cell-like units in living processes. This approach 'formation as process' parallels that of the artist Paul Klee whose writings have influenced my work. Klee believed that 'communication with nature remains the most essential condition' for the artist by the simple fact that he himself is part of nature.
WENDY REID (b. Los Angeles, 1952) received degrees from Mills College (M.A.), the University of Southern California, School of Performing Arts (B.M.), and attended Stanford University, Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics. Between 1975-77, she was a private pupil of Nadia Boulanger in Paris and Les Écoles D'Art Americaines at Fontainbleau. Composers she has studied under include Terry Riley, Robert Ashley, Halsey Stevens, James Hopkins and film composer David Raksin. She is the recipient of numerous awards and grants including Meet the Composer/California, Meet the Composer/New York, Subito grants, an ASMC grant and the Paul Merrit Henry Prize. Her works have been performed and broadcast throughout the United States, Europe and Asia by the Abel-Steinberg-Winant Trio, the San Francisco Contemporary Music Players, the Kronos Quartet, the New Music Works Ensemble, the San Francisco String Quartet, the Ruffled Feathers Tree-o, Brassiosaurus, the Tree Ensemble, and others. Reid is producer of the new music series NEW MUSIC WITH BIRDS, FROGS AND OTHER CREATURES sponsored by the Natural Sciences Department of the Oakland Museum and the San Francisco Art Institute, and currently teaches music composition at Mills College and violin/ensemble/composition at Holy Names University PMD. Scores/CDs/LP: frogpeak.org., cdbaby.com, itunes - wendy reid
[related track]
[872] Jay Clayton - All-Out
Label: Anima Productions
Catalog#: ANIMA 1J35
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: US
Released: 1981
A1 Badadadat 3:18
A2 Random Mondays 8:36
A3 Lonely Woman 4:24
A4 2-5-1 5:48
B1 7/8 Thing 11:00
B2 Fragments 2:57
B3 All-Out 6:14
オハイオ出身のベテラン・アヴァン/ジャズ・ヴォーカリストJay Clayton(ジェイ・クレイトン)。ジャズはもとより現代音楽の分野ではJohn Cage「彼女は眠っている」をはじめ、Steve Reich「Drumming」「Music For 18 Musicians」、Garrett List「Your Own Self」といったミニマル作品にも参加されていますが、81年発表のソロデビュー作「All-Out」では、Jane Ira Bloom(Alto Sax)、Larry Karush(Piano)、Harvie Swartz(Double Bass)、Frank Clayton(Drum)によるアンサンブル上を自由に舞い遊ぶアヴァンなスタイルを披露。Becca Armstrong、Sally Swisher、Shelley Hirschのヴォーカル、ウォータードラムやエフェクトを施したカリンバが参加する浮遊感あふれるポリリズミック/ミニマルB1が秀逸です。2005年にCélesteよりCDでリイシュー。
[871.1] blue 10
va Happy Machine: Standard Music Library 1970-2010 (Public Information, 2014)
listen / discogs / official
listen / discogs / official
Marc Barreca - Twilight (Palace Of Lights, 1980/ June 2014)
listen The Wendigo (edit) / discogs / official
listen The Wendigo (edit) / discogs / official
Khruangbin - A Calf Born In Winter 7" (LateNightTales, 2014)
listen A Calf Born In Winter / discogs / official
listen A Calf Born In Winter / discogs / official
Masaaki Ohmura - The Soundtrack: You Gotta Chance (SMS Records, 1985)
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listen A Touch Of Temptation / discogs
[871] Su Tissue & Arspenlian Reeves - Salon De Musique
Label: Adversity Ltd
Catalog#: SMLP 3263
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: US
Released: 1984
A1 2nd Movement 11:44
A2 Train Station 11:54
B Salon De Musique 10:15
カリフォルニア芸術大の学生によって1978年に結成され、ロングビーチを拠点に活動したパンク・アクトSuburban Lawns(サバーバン・ローンズ)のヴォーカル担当Su Tissue(スー・ティッシュ)ことSusan McLane。本作はグループ解散後にAdversity LTDなるマイナー・レーベルから発表された、Arspenlian Reevesとの共作「Salon De Musique」。風変わりの歌唱による偏屈なロック・サウンドから一転し、ピアノのシンプルなリフレインを基に、エレクトロニクスやギターが重ねられたモダンクラシカルな作風へと変貌。A面はピアノ・ミニマルとそのリプライズ、B面は同じフレーズにTissueのスキャットが加わる全3トラック。ロックの衝動や熱量が知性や抑制美へと醇化した、ミステリアスかつ美しきポストパンク期のサロン音楽。
[related] Suburban Lawns - Janitor
投稿 (Atom)