
[840] Franca Sacchi - En

Label: Die Schachtel

Catalog#: DS 4
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: Italy
Released: 2004

A1 Ainsi Fut Le Commencement, Il N'y Aura Pas De Fin (1970) 10:56

A2 Arpa Eolia (1970) 7:59
A3 Quando Mi Hanno Ucciso, Se Così Posso Dire. E Quindi Rinasco. (1972) 8:53
B Danza, Mia Cara (1971) 26:06

ヨガ・インストラクターの顔を持つミラノ出身の女性作曲家Franca Sacchi(フランカ・サッキ)が1970年代初頭に作曲し、未発表であったものを編修した2004年作。気流や地鳴りが連想される密集音の
ドローン#1から、とりとめなく電子機器と戯れる#4まで、音響志向のシリアスな音色が続きますが、中でもハープによる演奏で、後のアンビエントを先取りしたような穏やかな音の光芒や陰影が移りゆく1970年作曲の#2'Arpa Eolia'が美しいです。現代音楽/実験音楽の偉大な先達の作品を出版するイタリアDie Schachtelより。


My music is the result of a long period of meditation - an act of complete self-recognition. I realised that the so-called “discourse on the evolution of musical language” no longer interested me. I considered it a nuisance and I clearly felt that it was false, schizophrenic, insincere and imposed by the current ideology, which is so difficult to reject. I had to admit that it was “myself” the real object of my interest and that whatever I was going to do would be reflected directly into my actions, my music, dance and painting.
I have completely refused either the idea of organising sound or trying to establish any kind of relationship between movement and signs. I want to turn my experience into consciousness, while rediscovering the true and essential gesture and at the same time having the courage to manifest it openly. I also understood that authenticity lies neither in the “intentional act”, which was the basis of my previous work – which I don’t reject anyway – nor in a naïve and extemporaneous “spontaneity”, but rather in what could be called a “conscious spontaneity”. It becomes therefore possible to live any moment of time in just the way one really wants to; one can observe him or herself while transforming an impulse into action, being fully aware of the completeness of that moment. This is when beauty is born. I can feel it springing from the self-awareness, a “self” that transcends “ego”, language and time, and which can give expression to universally accepted elements.
I am no longer interested in the production of creativity, but rather in its expression, in the manifestation of a truly creative existence. This is in no way a “tabula rasa”: I don’t think it will ever be possible to avoid conditioning factors – I simply do not identify myself with them anymore. I reject the formal organisation of sound as well as the tight relationships imposed on both sound and movement; I reject any form of rationalisation that comes from the outside, like some sort of imposed rhythm. I respect the vital and biological rhythm only and, above all, the ontological one. From now on I will work on the primary subject: the living human being. - Franca Sacchi, 1972 - via Die Schachtel


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Centro Yoga Franca Sacchi