Catalog#: CAA#12
Format: Vinyl, 7.5"
Country: Russia
Released: 2013
A1 Cloud Voice 1 3:23
A2 Cloud Voice 2 2:09
B1 Cloud Voice 3 2:20
B2 Cloud Voice 4 3:14
50年代のソビエト製アンプとアメリカ製ヴィンテージ旋盤を使い、透明ポリカーボネートに一枚ずつカッティングした7.5インチ正方形のモノラル盤。実験音楽やサウンドアート音源を、その特殊なレコードとライブラリー資料に着想を得たパッケージで出版する、サンクトペテルブルク拠点のプロジェクトCyland Audio Archive(CAA)。キュレーターはKurvenschreiberの構成メンバーSergey KomarovとVlad Dobrovolski。本作は2013年リリースの型録12番。モスクワのエレクトロニック作家Vasily Stepanov(ヴァシリー・ステパノフ)aka P_SHによる「雲の声」をテーマにしたアブストラクトな音響作品。
Cloud Voice. Do you hear any dreams of hanging in the clouds which you have all visualized in your imagination at least once? As wind passes over the ground, air in contact with the surface is slowed by friction, while the air above continues at the unimpeded speed. This creates many thousands of rolling vortices, and depending on the wind speed and roughness of the terrain, these can extend upwards for a considerable height. Your flying will encounter “bumpiness” called audio turbulence, that occurs in the sound perception of the surrounding space.
When strong winds blow over you, the air can organise itself into large organised sound waves that extend several metres downstream. Very powerful rising and falling air currents are often present in these sound waves and organised bands of clouds sometimes form near the wave peaks. These waves we called cloud voices because of the characteristic effect they often adopt. - Vladislav Dobrovolski