
[706] Scott Fraser - The Water Album

Label: Fun Music

Catalog#: FMC 32
Format: Cassette, Album, C60
Country: US
Released: 1983

A1 Surf - Shell Beach, California 

A2 Drizzle - Hamden, Connecticut
A3 Fishpond - Hollywood, California
A4 Creek - Acton, Massachusetts
A5 Wavelets - Marina Del Rey, California
A6 Vent - Kezar Falls, Maine
A7 Downpour - Los Angeles, California
A8 Trickle - Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire
A9 Drainpipe - Newton, Massachusetts
A10 Ripples - Concord, Massachusetts
B1 Rain - Miami, Florida
B2 Pier - Newport, Rhode Island
B3 Sprinklers - Beverley Hills, California
B4 Drips - Boston, Massachusetts
B5 Waves - San Francisco, California
B6 Fountain - New Haven, Connecticut
B7 Pool - San Diego, California
B8 Shower - Eastchester, New York
B9 Tidepools - Montana De Oro, California
B10 Stream - Middlebury, Vermont

about Fun Music.

In 1979 four composers of vaguely electronic orientation decided that they needed a record label of their own to put out work that really had no way of being presented except as a recording.  Fun Music began as an outlet for Scott Fraser, David Ocker, "Blue" Gene Tyranny (his more obscure works not then available from Lovely Music) and me.  After a few years "Blue" and David lost interest in the label, and it continued on as a vehicle for recordings by Scott Fraser and myself.  The label more or less shut down in 1995 when Scott and I began releasing work on Artifact Records http://www.artifact.com/ When Artifact closed down in 2009 we restarted FUN MUSIC for our new work.
via Philip Perkins webpage