Catalog#: 0000
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: Mexico
Released: 1981
Suite Al Culto Solar
A1 In Altepetl Tonal (El Pueblo Del Sol) 3:19
A2 Xochiyaeoyoloh (Las Guerras Floridas) 5:32
A3 Ketzalkoatl Yauh Miktlan (Ketzalkoatl Viaja Al Miktlan) 14:34
B1 Ipan In Xiktli Metztli (En El Ombligo De La Luna) 21:21
70年代初頭よりコロンブス以前の楽器や神話の研究に注力し、音楽家としてサイケデリックの潮流に古代メソアメリカの民族霊性の大々的な導入を試みるなど、現在まで活動を続けるメキシコシティ出身のマルチ奏者Luis Pérez(ルイス・ペレス)。本作は1981年にISSSTEとKopilli、2つのレーベルから異なるジャケットで発表された初作。復元された古代楽器やゴング、ラフなエレクトロニクスの交配が次第に神がかりの恍惚境を招き出し、メソアメリカの血河を種の起源まで遡上。生きとし生けるものの気配に満ちたスピリチュアルな世界観は、Antonio ZepedaやArturo Mezaに近いものです。2012年、録音当時関わったエンジニアFrancisco MirandaとFernando Roldánの手によるリマスター/紙ジャケットで初CD化。そしてこの12月には、Lindsay Todd(Firecracker Recordings)とStuart Leath(Emotional Recordings)によるレーベルSacred Summitsの第一弾タイトルとしてヴァイナルでリイシュー。ISSSTE盤の神獣ジャケットが美しいシルク刷りで再現されています。
Luis Pérez was born in Mexico City on July 11, 1951. Since 1971 he has dedicated much of his time to the research of pre-Columbian musical instruments. He has traveled over the years all over the countryside of Mexico in order to study the living musical traditions and learn directly from the living sources while collecting samples of musical instruments, music and songs. His collection of native Mexican instruments include archaeological artifacts representative of the different cultural groups in the area known as Mesoamerica, some dating more than 2000 years ago.
His early work while still in Mexico, was a mixture of sounds from his vast array of pre-Columbian and ethnographic wind and percussion instruments which he managed to blend with electronic devices such as; tape based delay units and analog synthezisers; in 1981 his work was heard and described in the U.S. by Archie Patterson as, "perhaps the ultimate fusion of ethnic and modern music, a stunning effect as the two different styles merge superbly into a mystical musical tapestry". Luis simply called it: Musica Experimental Mexicana. During that year the Mexican government became interested in his work and sponsored the production of what came to be the first recording of this type entitled: Ipan In Xiktli Metztli ( En el Ombligo de la Luna ) which made a big impact among the media and established Luis Pérez as a precursor in this field followed by a new generation of Mexican musicians. - Sacred Summits