
[188.1] Mori To Kiroku No Ongaku #4

3月15日に放送されたLYL Radio「Mori To Kiroku No Ongaku」の4回目。前半はフリーセレクション、後半はスペインのギタリスト=ミゲル・エレーロを特集しました。
80年代からマドリッドのインディペンデント・レーベルGrabaciones Accidentales(GASA)を拠点に活動し、特にレーベル設立の発端となったポップバンド=エスクラレスィドスのレギュラーメンバーとして知られるミゲル・エレーロ。彼は他にもいくつかのバンドに参加し、またプロデューサーとしてインディポップ・バンドやフラメンコのミュージシャンなどのレコードを手掛けていました。彼のソロアルバム「Iolantha」は、GASAの「El Cometa De Madrid」(マドリッドの彗星)というシリーズの一枚として86年に発表されました。新しい音楽の出現を「彗星」に准えるように、古楽界の鬼才ルイス・デルガドが85年に命名・設立し、全作品のプロデュースを担当したこのシリーズは、伝統と前衛・実験精神を結び付ける才気溢れる音楽家達を次々と紹介していきました。その中でも、エレーロの「Iolantha」はひと際おだやかなギターサウンドを聴かせる作品であり、私の最も好きな一枚です。今回の特集では、彼が手掛けたインストゥルメンタルの楽曲に焦点を当て、ソロアルバム「Iolantha」を中心に、80年代初頭のポストパンク・バンド …Oh! のEP、スーソ・サイス率いる楽団オルケスタ・デ・ラス・ヌベスのメンバーが参加したムジカ・エスポラディカのアルバムから選曲しています。

the fourth episode of my show "Mori To Kiroku No Ongaku" on the LYL Radio was broadcasted on March 15. the first hour is free selection, and the second hour is special feature on Spanish guitarist Miguel Herrero. Herrero is well-known for being a regular member of a Spanish pop band Esclarecidos. he actively worked in several other groups around the label from the 1980's and also produced indie rock groups and flamenco musicians albums. his first album, possibly his only album, was released in 1986 as part of an advanced music series called "El Cometa De Madrid" that a producer Luis Delgado launched to curate new musicians. Herrero's solo album "Iolantha" which was especially gentle and mellow in the series has become my favorite. I mainly focused on his instrumental sound, by selecting tracks from the album "Iolantha", and the EP of the postpunk band called ...Oh!, as well as another masterpiece album of tribal ambient project Música Esporádica that he played with all members of great ensemble Orquesta De Las Nubes.

five years ago, I sent a mail to him in order to ask about his other works. soon after that, I luckily got a reply from him, "It's great to know that someone is enjoying something yours so far away. I'll try to get in touch with you during the day, today I've got a concert." I was a bit sorry that I could not get the continuation of his mail, but I became happy to hear that he was actively continuing to work on music. I tried to send a mail to him again about his recent activities for this show. I could get no reply, but I did not mind. I guessed that he was still busy working on music. while working for this show, deeply sad to say I found that he passed away on 17th September 2015 on Esclarecidos's social service page. on that day, the band expressed their respect and condolences to him with following words: "Hoy a muerto nuestro entrañable amigo y guitarra de enorme sensibilidad, Miguel Herrero. En nuestro recuerdo y en nuestras canciones. DEP." I dedicate this show to him for his greatness. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to him for the beautiful music.

Ezra Feinberg - God Sized Hole
Steve Hiett - In The Shade
Aurora Acoustic - Maiden Voyage
Julio García - Ven
James Gordon - No City Lights
Alap Jetzer - Joy Ensemble
Kazuo Zaitsu - November Eyes
Seigen Ono - Criminal Investigation
Nick Storring - Inside Every Man Lives The Seed Of A Flower
Adolfo Rivero - In The Stillness
Miguel Herrero & Belen Herrero - La Mosca En El Salón (excerpt from TV show)
Miguel Herrero - ¿Vendrás Esta Noche?
Miguel Herrero - Mascamangas
Miguel Herrero - Belvedere (El Mirador)
Miguel Herrero - En Buena Compañía
Miguel Herrero - The Well Known Friend
…Oh! - Martinica
Música Esporádica - Combustión Interna
Música Esporádica - Música Esporádica
Miguel Herrero - El Viento
Miguel Herrero - Templo Griego En El Techo De Madrid
Miguel Herrero - Milltown
Esclarecidos - Dos Españolas Solas