
[213] The Bermuda Triangle - Sketches From Space

Label: Vibraphone Records

Catalog#: VIBR 018
Format: Vinyl, 2LP, Album
Country: Italy
Released: 2018

A1 Lagrangian Point L4 1:39

A2 Pulsars 5:07
A3 Jupiter's Butterflies 3:18
A4 Celestial 4:15
B1 C-Beams 4:57
B2 Moon's Magnetic Field 4:22
B3 Centaurus A 1:58
B4 Redshift 7 4:47
C1 Andromeda 3:48
C2 Sextans A 4:38
C3 Orion 6:23
D1 Bianca 3:12  
D2 Nova 3:27
D3 Dark Energy 2:06
D4 47 Million Light Years From Earth 3:25
D5 Nevaeh 2:16

92-93年の短期間運営され、2015年の再始動後は既発タイトルの復刻でイタロ・ディープハウス再評価の導き手となっているローマ拠点のレーベルVibraphone Recordsより。The True Underground Sound Of RomeやMinimal Vision名義でも知られるStefano Di Carlo(ステファノ・ディ・カルロ)、Mauro Ruvolo(マウロ・ルヴォロ)、Stefano Curti(ステファノ・クルティ)、3名のDJ/プロデューサーによる伝説的プロジェクトBermuda Triangle(バミューダ・トライアングル)が、26年振りとなる新作にして初のフルレングスLPをリリース。ベテランらしい多彩なアプローチを交えた、現代のエレクトロニック・シーンやチルアウト・リスニングにもフィットする全16トラック。

One of the deepest reaching projects from the multifaceted Vibraphone stable resurfaces for an extended trip through ambient sonics that marks possibly the most daring departure on the esteemed Italian label to date. The harmonious tones undulating throughout Sketches From Space are instant soothers, taking the odd cue from techno but defiantly beatless and meditative. It's a surprising addition to the long and winding Vibraphone story, but also feels like one of the strongest steps forward the resurgent label has taken since returning to the fray. Just try sinking into "Lagrangian Point L4" and you'll see exactly what we mean.
