[208] Luciano Cilio, Girolamo De Simone - I Nastri Ritrovati
Label: Konsequenz
Catalog#: KNZ018
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: Italy
Released: 2018
A1 I Nastri Ritrovati #1 12:24
A2 I Nastri Ritrovati #2 5:26
A3 I Nastri Ritrovati #3 1:07
A4 I Nastri Ritrovati #4 7:07
A5 I Nastri Ritrovati #5 3:04
B1 I Nastri Ritrovati #6 1:12
B2 I Nastri Ritrovati #7 2:59
B3 I Nastri Ritrovati #8 3:03
B4 I Nastri Ritrovati #9 0:25
B5 I Nastri Ritrovati #10 8:03
B6 I Nastri Ritrovati #11 1:08
B7 I Nastri Ritrovati #12 1:40
B8 I Nastri Ritrovati #13 3:18
B9 Untitled 0:41
クラシック、現代音楽、プログレッシヴ・ロック、フォーク、非西洋音楽などの影響から、触れると壊れそうなほど繊細で美しいアコースティック小編成によるミニマリズム・サウンドを独学で切り拓くも、1983年に33歳の若さで自死したナポリ出身の作曲家/マルチ奏者Luciano Cilio(ルチアーノ・シリオ)。Jim O'Rourkeによるレコメンドや音響派以降の再評価によりイタリア・アバンギャルド史に刻まれる孤高の名作として世に知られるようになった77年唯一作「Dialoghi Del Presente(現在の対話)」以前の、75-76年にレコーディングされていた未発表曲が、シリオのコラボレーターであり、長年シリオ研究に尽力してきたピアニスト/作曲家/音楽学者Girolamo De Simone(ギロラモ・デ・シモン)の手により初音盤化。
I Nastri Ritrovati, assembled through extensive, devoted work by the pianist, theorist, and composer Girolamo De Simone, draws on a little know body of work created by Cilio in the years leading up to his work on Dialoghi Del Presente. The LP, carefully curated by De Simone from sprawling archival recordings taken from a reel-to-reel tape by Eugenio Fels, offers a crucial window into the composer’s evolving thinking and creative impulses - equally beautiful and ambitious, while forming an arguably more direct and raw image, never before heard. Incredible, stripped back recordings of Cilio on sitar, an instrument he loved and studied in India, as well as his stunning, signature guitar playing, at times embracing raga guitar modes, a horn choir, concrete' electronics, and a great deal more. This is what archival LPs (with an amazing cover by Fabio Donato) should always be - reinforcing and rethinking everything we know in a single breath. ▲
I nastri inediti di Luciano Cilio. Intervista con Girolamo De Simone - Blogfoolk ▲