昨年9月より隔月2時間枠で担当してきたLYL Radio「Mori To Kiroku No Ongaku」。2017-18シーズン最後の回が7月5日に放送されました。前半はフリーセレクション、後半は東京出身の作曲・編曲家=菅谷昌弘さんを特集しました。
昨冬、新潟市にある芸術文化施設・砂丘館で「村のひろがり・私の奥行き 村の肖像Ⅳ」という展覧会がひらかれ、幸いにも菅谷さんご本人にお会いすることができました。その展覧会は、福島県金山町に住む2人の写真家=角田勝之助さんと榎本千賀子さんが記録してきた過去・現在の「かねやま」の映像を中心に、蔵の2階では菅谷さんによる奥会津地域の音を素材とした8チャンネルのミュージック・コンクレート作品「ここにいる」が設えられ、時代とともに変遷してきた金山町の姿を視覚・聴覚の2つの側面から捉えた、充実した展示内容でした。会期中にはギャラリートークが2度設けられ、私が訪ねた日には写真家の榎本千賀子さん、菅谷昌弘さんの話しを聞くことができました。自分が知るパパ・タラフマラの音楽とは直接関係ないとはいえ、菅谷さんの街・文化・音に対する視点、そのお人柄から、それまで漠然と聴き感じてきた音楽の不思議な魅力の源となる何かが少しばかり垣間見えるような、貴重な機会になりました。
最後に、番組を支えてくれたLYL Radioのクルー、英語を直してくれたアキ、そして各回聴いてくださった皆さまへ。短い間でしたが本当にありがとうございました。また機会があればこのような番組にもチャレンジしてみたいと思います。
the final episode of my LYL Radio show was broadcasted on July 5th. the first hour is free selection. the second hour is dedicated to Japanese composer Masahiro Sugaya, focusing on his works for the performing arts company Pappa TARAHUMARA.
Sugaya was born in Tokyo, and currently he is based in Tokyo and Kaneyama. he began to present his contemporary music works at concerts in the early 1980s when he was a student at Tokyo College of Music. after completing the master class of the college, he has been working on composing for various media including stage, contemporary art, video, television and radio play, and also working on arrangement of acoustic guitar duo GONTITI's music over many years. in particular, he has been known for joining to Pappa TARAHUMARA from 1987 to 2000. the company was founded by the director Hiroshi Koike in 1982, together with fellow students from Hitotsubashi University. they utilized dance, play, music, and installation art as to present theatre arts, and was internationally celebrated for its highly conceptual multidisciplinary productions. Sugaya had composed and directed all musical activities of the company for 14 years, and explored the possibility of music on the stage along company's creative process. he had took a flexible approach for each work, and the works are characterized by his unique method to disassemble existing music and reconstruct its elements into new musical form, sometimes combining different elements, sometimes focusing on simple element. his inventive and unclassifiable music give me a lot of imagination.
last winter, I fortunately met him in a photograph exhibition held at an Arts and cultural facility Sakyukan in Niigata where I live. the exhibition featured past and present pictures of Kaneyama town, Fukushima prefecture, taken by two photographers living the town, and also 8-channel music concrete works made with the environment sounds of Kaneyama by Masahiro Sugaya. it was so exciting day for me to experience his music concrete works and listen to his talk. Sugaya have organized a concert series called "Idobatabeya" for each audience to listen at the center of the circled multi-channel audio systems, and he has presented new multi-channel works about once a year since 2001 after leaving Pappa TARAHUMARA.
this mix was selected from his works composed and performed from the late 1980's to mid 1990's. his several works for the company are now available at online digital media stores. and I am happy to say that more works will be released there. moreover, he is currently working on the compilation project of his early works. I am thankful to Sugaya-san for the music and our encounter, Aki and LYL Radio crew for supporting me for a year, and everyone listening to my show.
Another Fine Day - Lazy Daisy (Big Chill Classics Remix)
Land of Light - Presence Of The Past
André Groote & Roy Kuschel - Het Yin En Yang Van De Chaos
Mo Foster - So Far Away
Thomas Kessler Group - Song For Å.
Wind Machine - Summer Flight
Martin Kolbe, Ralf Illenberger, Wolfgang Dauner - Damals
John Themis - Free Fall
Barry Coates & The Hats - Hover Craft
Tim Timmermans & Skipper Wise - Five Mountains
Dancing Fantasy - Fata Morgana
Carioca - Before You Go
Gontiti - このうえない困りもの
Masahiro Sugaya - 空にとけるサーカス
Masahiro Sugaya - On The Railway (Excerpt)
Masahiro Sugaya - The Blowing Brush
Masahiro Sugaya - ミストラル
Masahiro Sugaya - Time Lag-Time (Excerpt)
Masahiro Sugaya - Tessa (Excerpt)
Masahiro Sugaya - Uta (Excerpt)
Masahiro Sugaya - 青
Masahiro Sugaya - 世界の果てまで
Masahiro Sugaya - 風の会話