
[856] Ariel Kalma - Open Like A Flute

Label: Astral Muse Production

Catalog#: AM 82053
Format: Cassette, Album
Country: Canada
Released: 1984

A1 Japanese Island 2:25

A2 Open Like A Flute 2:10
A3 Puja 2:45
A4 Boreale 4:15
A5 Arrival 6:20
A6 Slalom 2:10
A7 First Light 5:50
B1 Sazz Flute 13:20
B2 Aman 16:00

1975年のミニマル/ラーガ「Le Temps des Moissons」、Richard Tinti(リチャード・タンティ)と共同制作された1978年のボルネオ・サウンドスケープ「Osmose」など、世界各地で出会った自然や文化、人々のスピリットを編み込んだ異境の音響作品を発表しているパリ出身のマルチ奏者Ariel Kalma(アリエル・カルマ)。「Open Like A Flute」は、カナダのレーベルAstral Muse Productionからリリースされたカセットのひとつ。日本的な旋律をもつフルート独奏、オルガンとシンセの持続音、口琴+コスミックなミニマル電子音へと連なるA面から、サントゥールやハーモニウムが瞑想世界の深部へと誘うB面へ。波紋のように広がる超民族/超時空的アンビエンスの中を、ヘビ使いから教えを受けたという循環呼吸を効果的に用いたブレスの長いフルート/サックスが舞い遊ぶ、フリーフォームなニューエイジ作品。


Born and raised in Paris, France, Ariel started playing the recorder at age 9 and saxophone at 15. During his successive studies of Electronics, Computer Science, Music and Art in Paris, Ariel performed with several bands, then toured the world and visited Europe, Japan, India, Eastern Canada, and parts of the USA. Apart from rhythm & blues, pop and jazz, he acquired assorted experiences in middle-age French, electro-acoustic, and modal music. All the travels broadened Ariel's musical horizons tremendously; listening to and playing with different styles, people, and instruments, intricate scales, techniques, timing and rhythms.
Ariel Kalma playing guitarAfter learning circular breathing from a snake charmer in India, Ariel practiced it on soprano sax - for many sleepless nights - in the basement of a cathedral in New York (when he was not playing upstairs on the large harmonium). Returning to France in late '76, Ariel could include those endless notes into his own long-delay-effect system with which he toured, playing solo concerts. Ariel contributed to the birth of (then) new music genres: minimalist, space, ambient, new age, electronic etc.
With his passion for recording and sound, Ariel always had a home studio and was also technical assistant to some of the composers at Paris' GRM - Musical Research Group part of the INA (Audiovisual National Institute), where he recorded some of his compositions.
Over 3 decades, Ariel Kalma published several vinyl LP's, cassettes, and CD's, many older ones out of print. His compositions have been used for modern dance-theatre, films, musical poetry, guided meditations, transformational groups. Ariel Kalma has also played on many albums in France - even throughout Europe, the US and recently Australia, where he lives. - ariel-kalma.com



[855] Ann Southam - Pond Life

Label: Centrediscs
Catalog#: CMCCD 14109
Format: CD, Album
Country: Canada
Released: 2009

1 Spatial View Of Pond 1 11:58

2 Noisy River 3:41
3 Soundstill IV 4:45
4 Soundstill VI 3:50
5 Soundstill VII 3:29
6 Soundstill VIII 3:18
7 Soundstill IX 2:58
8 Soundstill X 3:28
9 Commotion Creek 5:15
10 Soundstill V 5:07
1 Fidget Creek 4:55
2 Soundstill I 6:22
3 Soundstill II 6:26
4 Soundstill III 6:42
5 Fiddle Creek 5:08
6 Spatial View Of Pond 2 11:46
7 Pond Life I 3:23
8 Pond Life II 3:28
9 Pond Life III 1:23
10 Pond Life IV 3:17

Piano – Christina Petrowska Quilico
Recorded at Glenn Gould Studio, Toronto, October 17, 2008.


ANN SOUTHAM was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1937 but lived most of her life in Toronto. After completing musical studies at the University of Toronto and the Royal Conservatory of Music in the early 1960's, Ann Southam began a teaching and composing career which included a long and productive association with modern dance. As well as creating music for some of Canada's major modern dance companies and choreographers including The Toronto Dance Theatre, Danny Grossman, Dancemakers, Patricia Beatty, Christopher House and Rachel Browne, she was an instructor in electronic music at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto and has also participated in many "composer-in-the-classroom" programs in elementary and high schools. While a great deal of her work was electroacoustic music on tape, in her later years she became increasingly interested in music for acoustic instruments. She composed concert music for a variety of acoustic instruments and instrumental ensembles, working with such artists and ensembles as Eve Egoyan, Christina Petrowska Quilico and Arraymusic. Ann Southam's work was commissioned through the Canada Council, the Ontario Arts Council, and the CBC, and has been performed in Canada, Europe and the U.S. She is a member of the Canadian Music Centre, the Canadian League of Composers and a founding member of the Association of Canadian Women Composers. She was the recipient of the Friends of Canadian Music Award in 2001. Ann Southam passed away November 25, 2010. - Canadian Music Centre

[854] Golden Living Room - New Nostalgia

Label: fortune 500

Catalog#: F500-46
Format: File, MP3, Album
Country: Japan
Released: 2014
mirror: goo.gl/0szKZR

1 Eternal Story 03:13

2 Pentatonic Land 02:40
3 Sound Logo 01:18
4 Asleep In Lon Lon 03:10
5 Blood 4 Money (feat. 회사Auto) 04:39
6 風 Digits (feat. Ultra ウルトラ) 02:54
7 Cool Water 03:22
8 Phantasy 09:59
9 Reimagined Prenotion 02:26
10 Lost In Yr Processor 03:14
11 Phrygian Grandeur 02:00
12 She Moves Mysteriously 02:52
13 I See Dreams (feat. Frank Bravo) 05:05
14 Into The Night 03:07
15 New Nostalgia 03:01
16 Digital Escapes 09:02

2013年1月にSaint Pepsi「Empire Building」を公開以降、第二期vaporwaveの主たる
拠点としてその因習を守りながら、月3-4枚のペースで次々と作品を送り出した、Luxury Elite主宰のレーベルfortune 500。48番目のリリースとなる18 Carat Affairの最新作「Adventures in Schizophrenia」で、突如活動終了を宣言、そして過去作F500-1, F500-2などを法外な価格(700ドル)に設定と、vaporシーンではどこか見覚えがある動向。Golden Living Roomによる「New Nostalgia」は46番目の作品。往年のニューエイジ/レトロな仮想世界を模したビジュアルとアンビエンス感、サンプリング/スクリュー・エディットのvapor的なトラックが並んでいます。その中から、BB5の"Cool, Cool Water"をピッチダウンさせた#7 "Cool Water"、アルバムのハイライトでもある9分のミニマル・ニューエイジ#16 "Digital Escape"。This Ain't Heaven Recordingからカセットでのリリースが予定されているとのこと。フリー・ダウンロードはmirrorより。


[more fav: fortune 500]


[853] 矢吹紫帆 - からだは宇宙のメッセージ

Shiho Yabuki - The Body Is A Message Of The Universe
Label: Morning
Catalog#: BM32-5
Format: CD, Album
Country: Japan
Released: 1987

1 Tomoshibi 灯 7:01

2 Samadhi 三味 9:44
3 Shiunkai 紫雲界 4:23
4 Tenshingoso 天真五相 5:13
5 Ki no Nagare 気の流れ 3:49
6 Eikoh 栄光 1:59
7 Tawamure 戯れ 4:58
8 Karada wa Uchu no Message からだは宇宙のメッセージ 7:21

NHK番組「美の回廊をゆく」「日本美再発見」などの音楽を担当し、現在まで日本の伝統芸能や舞踏とのセッション、奉納演奏など、音楽の枠を超えた広範な活動を展開しているシンセシスト=矢吹紫帆(やぶきしほ)。本作は、沙羅企画との環境音楽(エステティック・ミュージック)プロジェクトとして制作された初のソロ・アルバム。東洋思想や日本の宗教観、自然への憧憬といった曲想が、クラシック〜フュージョンと和楽のエッセンスが融和したシンセサウンドに悠々と浮流。働く女性のための心の調律音楽を手掛けたAkira作品と比べてみると、よりたおやかな感触があり、聴き手をやわらかに包み込みながら浄い光の世界へとナビゲートしてゆくようなリラクゼーション向けに相応しい作風です。#1, #2は比叡山延暦寺創建1200年祭のための奉納曲。タイトルは新体道創始者・青木宏之による著作「からだは宇宙のメッセージ」(地湧社, 1985年)より引用されています。



[852.1] George Winston: minimal piano

Untitled (Ballads And Blues 1972 - The Early Recordings, 1981)

Carol Of The Bells (December, 1982)

Tamarack Pines (Forest, 1994)

[852] Luc Henrion - Galerie

Label: LMG

Catalog#: SX 2686
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: Belgium
Released: 1977


A1a a) Ouverture
A1b b) Portrait
A1c c) Estampe Japonaise
A1d d) Tableaux
A1e e) Coda
A2 N'Oubliez Pas Le Guide S.V.P.
B1a a) Cubisme
B1b b) Old Alschumie
B2 Dyptique
B3a a) Gouache
B3b b) Pastel
B4 N'Oubliez Pas Le Guide S.V.P.

Belgian pianist, arranger and producer Luc Henrion, born in Anderlecht in 1954, is better known today as a film and stage music composer. In the late 1970s, he founded his own label, titled LMG (for La Muse Gueule). The first release was folk singer Dominique Delvaux’s Lettre à V. LP in 1977, with all backing instruments by Luc Henrion (more info on this WFMU blog post, thanks to Tony Coulter. Hi, Tony!). The second, and presumably last, release was Henrion’s own solo album, titled Galerie, also in 1977, where he plays all instruments again (piano, organ, harpsichord, polymoog, guitar, zither, bass, drums). The LP was recorded and mixed by Dan Lacksman, founding member of Belgian synth-pop band Telex. Luc Henrion’s Galerie LP blends contemporary piano music and progressive instrumental rock through clever arrangements and mix down. Despite the cover art, Galerie is not a solo piano record, and most tracks are based on elaborate compositions for harpsichord, guitar and organ, among other instruments. In its structure and inspiration, the LP draws from Mussorgski’s Pictures at an Exhibition, 1874, a series of piano preludes each after an artwork by Russian architect Viktor Hartmann. Track titles in Galerie all refer to an art movement or specific technique and the entire album is conceived as a museum visit. The prominent use of piano on most tracks complete the analogy with Pictures at an Exhibition. This LP is also comparable with some solo piano releases on the Igloo and Hasard labels, by Charles Loos or Dominique Lawalrée, for instance. - Mellow records 2013 reissue note


[851.1] Radio Campus Bordeaux: Déphasage

1992年から続くフランス・ボルドーのカレッジラジオRadio Campus Bordeaux。

Stephen Vitiello + Molly Berg - Clarinet Assembly
Stephen Vitiello + Molly Berg - Easy Travel
Steve Moore - Endless Caverns
Steve Moore - Pangaea Ultima
Steve Moore - Logotone
Jason Grier - The Widows 
Jason Grier - Gravity Well
Jason Grier - Helen of Troy I
Jason Grier - Salud


[851] Hermann Nitsch - Harmoniumwerk: Music of the Cosmos

Label: Cortical Foundation
Catalog#: organ of Corti 20.1 / 20.2 / 20.3
Country: US
Released: 2000 (rec. 1984-1989)

Harmoniumwerk Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4

Harmoniumwerk Volumes 5, 6, 7, 8

Harmoniumwerk Volumes 9, 10, 11, 12

40 volumes of Harmoniumwerk originally issued in an edition of 15 copies by O.M.
Theater Verlag on Audio Cassette in 1990 [20 cassettes].

[850.1] blue 08

David Borden - The Continuing Story Of Counterpoint Parts 1-4+8: Complete
Performed By Mother Mallard (Cuneiform Records, 1990)
listen Part 8 / discogs

Software ‎– Digital-Dance (Innovative Communication, 1988)
listen Island-Sunrisediscogs

Dominik Von Senger - The First (veraBra Records, 1983)
listen Late Night Blues / discogs

Juan Martín - Painter In Sound (Novus, 1986)
listen / discogs

Synchestra - Silver Ships (Elfin Music, 1982)
listen The Magicdiscogs

Akio Niitsu - Petstep (Japan Records, 1982)
listen Lyon / check Petstep2002

Richard Harvey - A New Way Of Seeing (ICL, 1979)
listen A New Way Of Seeingdiscogs

Wavestar - Mind Journey (1984)
listen Seascapediscogs

Intrusion - The Seduction Of Silence (echospace [detroit], 2009)
listen Love In Lo-Fi / discogs

Chris Morphitis - Where To Go (Village Green, 2013)
listen Where To Go

[850] Gunner Møller Pedersen - Et Lydår / A Sound Year

Label: Danacord Records

Catalog#: DACO 211,212,213,214,215,216
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: Denmark
Released: 1982

A Januar 30:00

B Februar 30:00
C Marts 30:00
D April 30:00
E Maj 30:00
F Juni 30:00
G Juli 30:00
H August 30:00
I September 30:00
J Oktober 30:00
K November 30:00
L December 30:00

オーフス音楽院で学び、留学先のロンドンでCornelius Cardewに師事。1970年より映画音楽/空間音楽のためのレコーディング・スタジオ/レーベルOctopus Studioを運営、1976年にはデンマーク電子音楽協会を設立するなど、デンマークの電子音楽分野を切り開いた作曲家Gunner Møller Pedersen(グンアル・メラー・ペダルセン)。ニューエイジ/プレアンビエントのカルト的名盤としても知られる74年作「Stoned - An Electronic Symphony」に続く「Et Lydår」は、コペンハーゲンのニイ・カールスベルグ・グリプトテク美術館(Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek)内の亜熱帯園「ウィンターガーデン」のための環境音楽として、1977-82年に作曲されたエレクトロアコースティック12編を収録した
6枚組長編作。"Januar"から"December"までの12ヶ月、それぞれ約30分のサウンドイメージ。環境音を素材にしながら、易しい自然賛美ではない、冷たく硬質なドローンを基調にした暗く煢然たるアンビエンスに貫かれていて、暦=天体運行まで視座を高めたコスモロジカルなタッチで、1460分の1スケールの1年間が描かれています。2011年に現代音楽レーベルDacapo Recordsから、6枚組CDで再発。


For thirty years Gunner Møller Pedersen (b. 1943) has worked determinedly and uncom-promised to realize a vision of spatial music. This vision prompted him to work with electronics at a time when they were neither fashionable nor easy to work with, and he became one of Denmark's few pioneers in this field. A Sound Year must be regarded not only as Gunner Møller Pedersen's masterpiece, but also as a cornerstone of Danish electroacustic music. - Dacapo Records

A Sound Year CD edition (Dacapo Records, 2011)

Stoned: An Electronic Symphony (Octopus Studio, 1974)

Glasmusik (Winter Garden, 1994)


[849] Global Guaranty Orchestra - Different Stages In Different Lives

Label: Olufsen Records
Catalog#: DOC 5084
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: Denmark
Released: 1989

A1 Walking On Spikes 2:35

A2 Corners Of The Crystal 7:02
A3 Ping Pong Trash 3:20
A4 Blood On My Head 4:10
A5 Danish Pastry 3:00
B1 Terminal Moraine Of Technology 4:40
B2 The Cathedral Of Nonsense 2:20
B3 Moisture Monsters 3:22
B4 Towers Of Wire 3:00
B5 Another Room 1:56
B6 The Sun Above My Head 6:42

第九世界音楽」を標榜するデンマークのマルチ奏者Peter Ole Jørgensenが、同じくマルチ奏者のHenning Frimannと結成した楽団Global Guaranty Orchestra(グローバル・ギャランティ・オーケストラ)。1989年発表の4作目「Different Stages In Different Lives」は、ゴングやスティールドラム、バラフォンなど主に打楽器を中心に担当するJørgensenと、鍵盤/弦楽器を操るFrimannに加えて、ギターやベースなど多数のゲスト演奏陣が参加。バリとカリブとマーチングが混在となったグルーヴがノイジーな呻き声とともに脱線するA1から、ベルが鳴り響く鉱物音響ドローンA2。脅迫的なドラムの連打に暴走する象楽団のごとき管楽器が鳴き叫ぶB1、弦楽器の不穏なきしみにシンセやバラフォンがムードを昂揚させるB3など、民族音楽の摸造、ミニマリズム的展開と即興を煮詰めながら、休む事なく注ぎ足しを繰り返した末の混沌とした濃密世界。ジャケットには太陽系図や古代生物、建築などの博物図版が配われていますが、地球圏外から訪ねた人類学者がサンプルとして持ち帰った地球音楽を別の惑星で再現したかのような、超グローバル規模のミステリーが演出されているようです。



[848] Joel Chadabe / Randall McClellan - Ideas Of Movement At Bolton Landing / Distant Voices

Label: Opus One
Catalog#: Number 17
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: US
Released: 1974

A Joel Chadabe - Ideas Of Movement At Bolton Landing 15:42

B Randall McClellan - Distant Voices 12:19

Joel Chadabe, composer, author, is an internationally recognized pioneer in the development of interactive music systems. He has concertized widely since 1969, with Jan Williams, Bruno Sperri, and other musicians, presenting his music at venues and festivals such as Klangprojektionen 4.4 (Vienna), Ear to the Earth (New York City), Computing Music IV (Cologne), HörZeit-SpielRaum 2005 (Berlin), ISCM Festival (Miami), NYU Interactive (NYC), New Mix (Palais de Tokyo, Paris), Chelsea Art Museum (New York), Expanded Instruments Festival (Engine 27, New York City), Centro Cultural Recoleta (Buenos Aires), Venice Biennale, Wellington Festival (New Zealand), Aarhus Festival (Denmark), De Isbreker (Amsterdam), New Music America, Inventionen (Berlin), IRCAM (Paris), Stedelijk Museum (Amsterdam), Ars Electronica (Linz, Austria), Electronic Music Festival (Stockholm), and New Music New York. His music is recorded on EMF Media, Deep Listening, CDCM, Centaur, Lovely Music, Opus One, CP2, and Folkways labels.

As president of Intelligent Music from 1983-1994, he was responsible for the development and publication of a wide range of innovative and historically important software, including M and Max, as well as the TouchSurface, an xyz touch-sensitive computer input device. In 1977, with Roger Meyers, he co-authored The PLAY Program, the first software sequencer. In 1967, while director of the Electronic Music Studio at State University of New York at Albany (1965 - 1998), he designed the CEMS (Coordinated Electronic Music Studio) System, an analog-programmable electronic music system, and commissioned Robert Moog to build it. - www.chadabe.com

Randall McClellan is a Professor Emeritus of Music and director of the Centre of Sacred Sound who holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree in music composition from the Eastman School of Music. A composer, performer, teacher and author, he is internationally recognized as a leading authority on music consciousness and healing, philosophy of music and fostering intuitive creativity through the arts.

Randall McClellan ‎– Genesis / Interruptions
Electronic Music By Randall McClellan (Opus One, 1974)

Randall McClellan ‎– Healing Sound of Rana: 4 cassette box (SUN ARAW, 2013)
SUN ARAW / bandcamp

North Star Productions: Multi-Media Productions by J D Emmanuel
PGM 067 : "TIMELESS" (1/18/1985) playlist


[847] Ros Bandt - Improvisations In Acoustic Chambers

Ros Bandt on top of the water tank

Label: Move Records

Catalog#: MS 3035
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: Australia
Released: 1981

Tank Pieces

A1 No. 6 Bamboo Flute 5:07
A2 No. 7 Fleet, Water, Conduit Hose 4:15
A3 No. 1 Vocal Improvisation 3:56
A4 No. 9 Renaissance Soprano Recorder 4:00
A5 No.1 4 Cymbal And Water 4:49
A6 No. 10 Fragment For Bamboo Flute And Voice 1:26

Silo Pieces

B1 Silo Song Voice And Bullroarer 2:47
B2 Distant Polyphony 2 Recorders 3:06
B3 Mating Call Male And Female Voices 4:13
B4 Sweet Germinal Wheat Lute And Recorder 4:19
B5 DOG Bass Recorder, Dog Nearby 4:52 
B6 FLY Rampage Renaissance Flute 2:23

Side A recorded inside a water storage tank on June 22nd 1979 at Kardella farm near Korrumburra, Gippsland, Victoria using Sennheiser binaural microphones on a dummy head and a Nagra 1VS. The tank itself is also played and recorded along with the sounds of the environment. 

Side B recorded inside a wheat silo on October 20th 1979 at Young township, Lambing Flat, NSW using condensor microphones and a Nagra 1VS. 


インスタレーションの製作、自作音響彫刻パフォーマンスや古楽アンサンブルなどの演奏活動を展開するオーストラリア・ジーロン出身のサウンドアート作家/音楽学者Ros Bandt(ロス・バント)。録音作品では、個人名義やLIME(Live Improvised Music Events)名義でインプロヴィゼーションを発表されていますが、本作は70年代から続く貯水槽や穀物貯蔵用サイロ内部での演奏を、編集の手を加えずにそのまま収めたライブ・レコーディング初期作品。尺八、テープレコーダー、リュート、ヴォイス、土製の打楽器、そして演者による物音や気配が、タンク内の残響空間に音の海を満たし、煙のようにゆっくりと減退してゆく。演者が自らの音を注意深くリスニングする様子は、同じく洞窟や巨大貯水槽などで演奏したDeep Listening Band(Pauline Oliveros, Stuart Dempster, Panaiotis)に近しいものです。「環境」を楽器化し、場と演者の共鳴によって構造を浮き彫りにするサウンド・バフォーマンスは、音楽ジャンルや演奏形態を問わない、アンビエント・ミュージックのオルタナティヴ。

Ros Bandt is an internationally recognised composer and sound artist. Improvisation in Acoustic Chambers was recorded in 1979 in a concrete water tank and a wheat silo using a binaural dummy-head microphone and a Nagra tape recorder with no editing or production effects. Released on vinyl LP in 1981, Bandt credits this recording with inspiring her to ‘create architectural and spatial musics’. She is currently engaged in creating a digital acoustic sanctuary celebrating the sounds of the Jaara Jaara Box-Ironbark Forest of North Central Victoria.

[related link]

Ros Bandt's Blog: improvisations in acoustic chambers


[846.1] Bruno Munari - Cappuccetto Bianco

Anche a guardare bene tutta questa neve, non si riesce piu' a vedere, a distinguere la cuccia del cane, 
i cespugli di bosso, la panchina di pietra, il contorno delle aiuole, il sentiero che conduce verso il bosco. 
Anche aprendo bene gli occhi non si riesce a vedere niente.

(ブルーノ・ムナーリけんきゅうかい 訳 より)

さまざまな素材が使われた知育のための12冊の本「I Prelibri(本に出会う前の本)」、トレーシングペーパーやパラフィン等の質感やレイヤーを効果的に用いた「Nella nebbia di Milano(霧のなかのサーカス)」「Nella notte buia(闇の夜に)」など傑作絵本をはじめ、インダストリアル・デザイン、映像、詩、独創的なデザイン論まで、さまざまな分野に大きな功績を残した、ミラノ出身の芸術家Bruno Munari(ブルーノ・ムナーリ)。「ずきんちゃん」シリーズのひとつ、1981年出版の「Cappuccetto Bianco(白ずきんちゃん)」は、絵本作家Remy Charlip(レミー・シャーリップ)と、音楽家/思想家John Cage(ジョン・ケージ)に捧げられた真っ白な本。ほとんど文字のみが印刷された本ですが、詩集ではなく絵本で、紙の白は雪の色、雪の風景がこの物語の舞台。

John Cageが「4分33秒」公演で、会場内の沈黙、ざわざわとした雑音を「演奏」として図地反転させて観客を驚かせたように、この白い絵本もまた、無地の紙を「白ゆえに見えないもの」として静やかにシーンや登場人物を喚起させ、紙自体のかすかな素材感や、「絵本とは」という疑問にまで読み手の関心を導く、さりげない仕掛けに満ちています。
この「白ずきんちゃん」創作のきっかけになったRemy Charlipの「It Looks Like Snow(雪がふっている)」は1957年に出版で、同じく真っ白な絵本。昨年、タムラ堂より初の日本語訳本が出版されています。

Bruno Munari - Cappuccetto Bianco
publisher: Corraini  

レミー・シャーリップ - 雪がふっている
出版社: タムラ堂  


[846] Bi Nostalgia - It's Cloudy Today

Label: -

Catalog#: New Series, TLOTG-D02
Format: Digital, Album
Country: Italy
Released: 2012 (2006)

cloudy 1 5:52

cloudy 2 6:48
cloudy 3 4:52
cloudy 4 5:42
cloudy 5 5:45
cloudy 6 6:13
cloudy 7 5:02
cloudy 8 4:59
cloudy 10 5:02
cloudy 11 4:52
download (mediafire)

ニューウェイヴ隆盛期に結成されたイタリアのデュオEndless Nostalgiaのメンバー、Luca Rigatoによるワンマン・ユニットBi Nostalgia。80年代にリリースされたカセット作品が、2012年にSilentesのサブレーベルOltrelanebbiailmareによりヴォーカルとインスト2枚組「Clear And Not Clear」にコンパイルされていますが(昨今のアンビエント/シンセウェイヴの再発では、個人的にイギリスのWoo、Neo/Kevin Harrison、Deux Fillesに伍する愛聴盤)、
30年に渡る活動で残された録音は数多く、2010年からオフィシャル・ブログThe League of the Gloomersを通じて、Endless Nostalgia、Bi Nostalgia両名義のレア・トラックNew Series(TLOTG)他、変名やコンピ参加音源などをデジタル・エディションで公開。この「It's Cloudy Today」は、2006年に録音され、2012年にリマスタリングされたNew Seriesの2番。アルモニカのように輪郭やわらかなエレクトロニクスが、55分間自在に伸縮しながら聴く者を眠りの国へ誘い込む、おそらく数ある録音の中でも特に抽象度の高いもので、雨天にぼんやりと照らされる雲の表情が描写された、吉村弘氏(雲のおじさん)の初期作品にも通じるピュアな環境音楽。空の画は、刻々と変化する光や雲空など野外の風景を描き続け、後の印象派の先駆にもなったイギリスの画家John Constableと思われます。ブログでの最新公開作品は、イタリアのメイル・アーティストGuglielmo Achille Cavelliniのための1989年ドローン/アンビエント作「Music for the Cavellini's Museum」。


Bi Nostalgia ‎– Clear And Not Clear (Oltrelanebbiailmare, 2012)

Another due reissue of valuable New Wave materials “Made In Italy” that stretches around thirty-seven tracks contained on a double CD. Bi Nostalgia was the solo project of Luca Rigato, already part of the duo Endless Nostalgia. Composed and recorded between 1984 and 1987 (with the addition of one more recent unreleased track), all songs have been completely remastered from the original master tapes of "Anthems for Losers", "Dances of the Pessimism", "The Seeping Mouth”, “Cathedrals EP","Art Is Not Much" and "Philokalia", all published on Bi Nostalgia’s own label The League of the Gloomers. These tracks introduce the listener to the author's innermost world – a convinced exponent of a “losers aesthetics” but also a skilled craftsman maker of detailed soundscapes of great density and abstraction – that confront himself with his reference points: ambient music in general and the European / American serialist composers. Touching new age fascinations, refined sonorities, epic atmospheres and elementary compositive structures. A finely crafted visionary pop music, enhanced by arrangements that give to the compositions a seductive sense of lightness and purity. - Silentes