[890] The 13th Tribe - Ping Pong Anthropology
Label: Review Records
Catalog#: rere 174cd
Format: CD, Album
Country: Germany
Released: 1992
1 Dream Hunters 9:59
2 Hawaiian Office I 4:30
3 Khazar 4:41
4 Can-nibals I 5:27
5 Lofoten Part II 6:17
6 Can-nibals II 5:40
7 Ping Pong Anthropology 4:31
8 Hawaiian Office II 2:42
9 Exhausted Pipes 13:55
Urban SaxやArnold Dreyblattのオーケストラに参加し、現在まで精力的に活動を続けるドイツ出身のWerner Durand(ヴェルナー・デュラン)、オスロ出身のErik Balke(エリック・バルケ)、二人のリード奏者に加え、サンパウロのギタリストSilvia Ocougne、ベルギーの打楽器奏者Pierre Berthet、いずれも民族音楽を吸収し、自作楽器や独自の奏法を逐求めるインストゥルメンタリストが集結したグループThe 13th Tribe。レコメン系レーベルReview Records/No Man's Landから発表した唯一作。Durandが長年製作と実験に取り組むポリ塩化ビニル(PVC)製クラリネット(パンフルートやデジュリドゥのように聞こえる)を中心に、アラブの伝統楽器ナーイ、Ocougneのハンマード・ギター、Berthetのパイプ・ドラムなど、ドローンや反復を重奏した即興演奏。既成楽器/奏法を再解釈することで、演奏行為/楽器器官に音の根原や土着性を露呈させる──喧ましく、同時にワイルドな静けさも並存したクワイエット・ヒップな第四世界第十三部族音楽。
Urban Sax – Part 1 from 'Urban Sax'(Cobra, 1977)
Werner Durand & Alio Die - Aqua Planing from 'Aqua Planing' (Hic Sunt Leones, 2005)
[889] Biosphere - Secret Thirteen Mix
実験音楽/アンビエント/現代音楽/サウンドアートほか、昨今の先鋭アーティストを紹介するウェブ・ジャーナル「Secret Thirteen Journal」。ミクスト・コンピレーション「Secret Thirteen Mix」シリーズのアーカイヴより、昨年1月に公開された、ノルウェー・トロムソ出身のベテラン作家BiosphereことGeir Jenssen(ゲイル・イェンセン)。
“Secret Thirteen Mix 054” is a conceptually selected, sentimental music compilation that gradually connects 16 original vinyl records by such influential musicians as Throbbing Gristle, Yellow Magic Orchestra, Bill Nelson, The Human League, Pyrolator and other unforgettable talents. In 1992 the author of this mix listened to the works of Pete Namlook (1960-2012) for the first time and it reminded some of the electronic music heard around 1979-1981. This music was an inspiration for the author to start making music, so this mix is a try to create an atmosphere similar to the mood of the album by Namlook - secretthirteen.org: extracts from notes
“Secret Thirteen Mix 054” is a conceptually selected, sentimental music compilation that gradually connects 16 original vinyl records by such influential musicians as Throbbing Gristle, Yellow Magic Orchestra, Bill Nelson, The Human League, Pyrolator and other unforgettable talents. In 1992 the author of this mix listened to the works of Pete Namlook (1960-2012) for the first time and it reminded some of the electronic music heard around 1979-1981. This music was an inspiration for the author to start making music, so this mix is a try to create an atmosphere similar to the mood of the album by Namlook - secretthirteen.org: extracts from notes
1. Pyrolator – Minimal Tape 1/8
2. Dome – The Red Tent I
3. Throbbing Gristle – Beachy Head
4. B.E.F. – The Old At Rest
5. Chris And Cosey – Moving Still
6. Colin Newman – Fish Four
7. The Human League – Toyota City
8. Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark – Progress/Once When I Was Six
9. Throbbing Gristle – Distant Dreams (Part Two)
10. Thomas Leer & Robert Rental – Six A.M.
11. Throbbing Gristle – Walkabout
12. Thomas Leer & Robert Rental – The Hard Way In & The Easy Way Out
13. Yellow Magic Orchestra – Castalia
14. Thomas Leer & Robert Rental – Perpetual
15. Ryuichi Sakamoto – Thatness And Thereness
16. Bill Nelson – The Shadow Garden
Jenssen主宰のレーベルBiophon Recordsの最新タイトルは、自身の活動に最も大きな影響を与えたと語る、スウェーデンの実験音楽家Michael Winnerholtのソロ作「Series」(85年)、Brandy Wahlénとの共作「Glimpses」(86年)から選出したリマスター/コンピレーション。オリジナルは、シンセウェイヴ・グループTwice A Man関連作品で知られるXenophone internationalより。
[888] Tako - PBS: Lullabies for Insomniacs Mix
アート・コミュニティやクリエイティヴな音楽を発信するメルボルンのコミュニティFM放送局PBS 106.7FMで、隔週放送されるレフトフィールド/エクスペリメンタル系音楽プログラム「Lullabies for Insomniacs」(不眠症のための子守歌)。ホストはIzabel Caligiore。4月12日の放送は、アムステルダムのレコードショプRedlight Recordsのスタッフであり、Music From Memory(w/Jamie Tiller)、Into The Light(w/Ilias Pitsios aka Dynamons)を主宰するTako Reyengaがguestで登場。レーベルに関連したコンポーザーの未発表トラックを含む、30分間のアンビエント/ミニマルmix。Mixcloudではguest mixのみをピックアップ。番組全体(4時間)のデータはPBSのオフィシャルで公開されています。
PBS 106.7FM
Lullabies for Insomniacs
Lullabies for Insomniacs
Presented by Izabel Caligiore
[887] Sayno Productions - Waterglass
Label: Touch
Catalog#: TO:1
Format: Cassette, Album
Country: UK
Released: 1984
A Part 1 21:47
B Part 11 23:23
インダストリアル以降の実験精神と、フィールド・レコーディングされた民族音楽や宗教音楽を平衡に存在させ、地球上の営為をカセットに吹き込んだ初期Touchレーベルより、84年に発表された「TO:」シリーズの初番。波がさざめく海の風景を舞台に、エレクトロニクスの持続音、風の気分のまま無作為に揺れるウィンドチャイム(またはツリーチャイム、ガラス)、ゴング、ギターなどに聞こえるぼやけた音響の層を幾重にも重ねた、穏やかな発展性をもつエレクトロ・アコースティックを各面に収録。一聴してシンプルなアイデアによる作品に感じられますが、意識下にある海辺の記憶が、再び感覚化して耳の奥で延々と鳴り続ける(襲ってくる)、環境音メインの作品としては異様なほどの強迫性。「water - handle with care」というメッセージもあり、やはり海、または水に関する恐怖感をモティーフにされているようです。Sayno Productionsなる名義の正体は、後にアボリジナル・アンビエント・ユニットLights In A Fat Cityとして活動するEddy Sayer(エディ・セイヤー)と、Simon Tassano(サイモン・タッサーノ)。ジャケットを飾る三角形の図版は謎ですが、北ウェールズで撮影された海の写真が一枚添えられています。
Each cassette inlay card also contained a colour photo from North Wales taken by Simon Tassano - a different one each time, from hundreds of gloss 'snappy snaps', cut in half at the printers - touch33.net | TO:1
Lights In A Fat City - Somewhere (These Records, 1988)
listen Heavenly Clouds / discogs
[886] Luca Rigato - Exemplum Ryhthmicus
Catalog#: DG 718
Format: Cassette, Single Sided
Country: Italy
Released: 1990
A Exemplum Ryhthmicus 46:23
80年代イタリアで活動したシンセウェイブ・トリオEndless Nostalgiaのメンバーで、グループ在籍時より現在までマイペースにソロ活動を続けるLuca Rigato(ルーカ・リガート)が、80年代後期に本名名義でリリースしたカセットの1つ「Exemplum Ryhthmicus」。木管楽器・鍵盤打楽器・ピアノなどを模したシンセによる多重録音で、様々な速度・リズム感のパターンが次から次へと連なるホームメイドなミニマル組曲。Philip Glassに傾倒したWoo、またはSteve Hartwell(Dead Goldfish Ensemble)のイタリア版といったほんわかとした箱庭感。George Gurdjieffのピアノ作品シリーズ、ペルシアン〜モロッカン・コンテンポラリーほか、Mark Mothersbaugh(Devo)のMusik For Insomniaksシリーズ、Alberto Fiori Caronesなどミニマル/エクスペリメンタル作品をリリースしたヴェローナのカセット・レーベルDiagraphoより。現在、Rigato名義3作品を編集した「Minimally Myself: 1986-1989」が自身のブログThe League of the Gloomersを通じてデジタル・エディションで公開されています。
[related tracks]
Mark Mothersbaugh - Bonzaiko (Music For Insomniaks # 3, 1990)
Fiori Carones & Bi Nostalgia - Le Statue D'Acqua (va L'Italia Taglia 2)
[885] Kyle Gann - Satie
for soprano, flute, violin, vibraphone, celeste, and harp (1975)
performed by the Real Time ensemble.
Written in May of 1975 when I was 19, Satie is my Opus 1, the earliest piece of mine I would now consent to inflinct on an audience. It was written for my then-girlfriend, the singer Paulette Wallendorf, on a wave of Satie worship, soon after my discovery of minimalism, and also with a strong dash of John Cage in the random collisions of its contrapuntal lines. Originally "Untitled," it was the piece I took with me to the first June in Buffalo symposium a month later, where Cage looked at it and said, "It makes me want to hear it." Morton Feldman persuaded me to change its orchestration (from piano and vibraphone to harp and celesta), and said, "It looks like you want to be writing Steve Reich's music." (The irony of this comment, I found out years later, was that only shortly before, Feldman had played his own recent music for his student Peter Gena - later my composition teacher - and asked him, "Do you think it sounds too much like Steve Reich?") The text of the piece is several quotations from Satie, and the eleven-minute piece contains not a sharp or a flat. To this day, Satie remains one of my very favorite composers, along with Charles Ives and Ferruccio Busoni - one of music's incontrovertible saints. - www.kylegann.com
Kyle Eugene Gann (born November 21, 1955): Composer, musicologist, writer, educator
[884] US Steel Cello Ensemble - In A State of Flux
Catalog#: ASOF10
Format: Cassette
Country: US
Released: 1988
1 Interview, with previously unreleased material 29:23
2 On-air Performance 28:29
download: Remastered April 2007.
This cassette release documented the in-studio visit of the legendary Robert Rutman, aka US Steel Cello Ensemble, during my program at WCUW-FM. We were joined by David Prescott, an esteemed electronic musician in his own right, for his production assistance. Robert Rutman talks about the evolution of his music and the invention of his instruments and gives a glimpse into the history of this music in the context of the 1960s avant garde. His warm personality and off-kilt sense of humor dominate the discussion, and his booming baritone voice commands your attention.
Later, in the studio, the ceiling had to be dismantled to accommodate his enormaous single stringed steel cello, which comprised a single heavy gauge steel wire, a large piece of sheet metal, several turnbuckles and a large iron frame. Once it was assembled, Mister Rutman was able to insert his body between the string and the resonating sheet to play the instrument. The string was so long and the range of register so large that it required him to climb up and down steps to reach all of the notes. The performance is punctuated with his voice harmonizing with the sounds of the Steel Cello. - www.paulcollegio.net - A STATE OF FLUX: The Archive
[883] Ellen Fullman - The Long String Instrument
Label: Apollo Records
Catalog#: AR 118501
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: Netherlands
Released: 1985
A1 Woven Processional 11:29
A2 Langzaam 6:13
B1 Swingen 10:17
B2 Memory Of A Big Room (For Matthew) 3:42
B3 Dripping Music 2:23
カンザスシティ美術研究所で彫刻を専攻した後、80年代初頭よりNYブルックリンを拠点に「Long String Instrument」(長弦楽器)の製作/実験を始めた、メンフィス出身の音楽家Ellen Fullman(エレン・フルマン)。「長弦楽器」は長さ20mを超える金属弦製で、ロジン(松脂)を塗った指で触れ、歩きながら摩擦を与え、ドローンを発生させるというもの。録音作品では自費出版のカセットをはじめ、Phill NiblockやPhilip Cornerなどが所属するExperimental Intermedia Foundation、ポスト・ミニマル作品で知られるNew Albion、Pauline OliverosのDeep Listeningなど聴覚芸術における重要なレーベルからリリースされていますが、本作「The Long String Instrument」は、Paul PanhuysenのレーベルApolloより85年に出版された初作品。ワイヤーを用いた非音楽的なサウンドアート/インスタレーション作品と趣向は異なり、綿密に調律された(より楽音的な)楽器として演奏されていて、ごく小さな音まで実に巧みに操りながら、打楽器類とも呼吸を合わせたスリリングなアンサンブルが繰り広げられています。豊かな倍音を含む音色の美しさはもとより、パフォーマンスの映像を見ると、綱渡りのように緊張を絶やさない(舞踏や能楽の様にも見える)立ち振る舞いも表現に不可欠なもののように感じます。
Ellen Fullman (b. Memphis, Tennessee, 1957) is a composer. Known principally for music she has written for an instrument she invented, the long string instrument, Fullman studied sculpture at the Kansas City Art Institute. She has performed with the Deep Listening Band and Paul Panhuysen. Tuned in just intonation, the long string instrument is played by walking along the length of incredibly long strings and rubbing them with rosined hands. This produces longitudinal vibrations, and her music explores the nodes of vibration. Her early pieces were notated with choreography. - Wikipedia
Ellen Fullman performs at MOCAD
Event Locations No. 2 (excerpt): Real time video feed from wrist-mounted wireless cameras.
Long String Instrument Terminal NY (1983)
[882] Steve Hubback - The Quest
Label: Spoof
Catalog#: 0002
Format: Cassette
Country: Denmark
Released: 1993
1 The Quest 9:40
2 Natt Skulptur 4:55
3 Over The Treetops 4:16
4 As The Snow Falls 16:57
90年代以降、シンバルやゴングなどのメタル・クラフト/音響彫刻のデザイナーとして、ヨーロッパを巡りながら各地のレーベルに作品を残しているウェールズ出身の打楽器奏者Steve Hubback(スティーヴ・ハバック)。墓地や森の中など特殊な場所での演奏、自作楽器に見られる魔術/元始宗教的モティーフなど超俗なアイデアをもつ方で、ゴングの彫刻はヒーリング/セラピー/シャーマニズムなどスピリチュアルな分野で支持されているといいます。「The Quest」はデンマークのマイナー・レーベルSpoofから発表された93年のソロ作。Hammer Harp、Bowed Steel Harp Sculpture、Tuned Gongs、Fire Gongs、Ice Chimesなどの金属製楽器を用いて、それらがもつスピリットに導かれるまま音楽の原初へ回帰する、ミニマリスティックなエスニック・アンビエント。
It’s a long story, so here’s the short version. I lived as a drummer and percussionist from 1980 to 1990. I was always looking for special sounds and in 1990 in Scandinavia I began to learn metal craft so I could create my own instruments. Within 2 years I had some of the North’s best musicians performing on my creations. I had a powerful lucid dream in which I saw a drummer playing on a Norwegian mountain. His drum set was otherworldly and instead of playing a ride cymbal he played a living bronze Dragons wing. The sound was enchanting and magical and the audience were in trance. The dream stayed with me and after much thought and experimentation I forged my first Dragon cymbal sculpture in the early 1990′s. This was how I invented and pioneered cymbal and gong sculpting. Since then my path unfolds in mysterious ways. My gong sculptures are used by many people involved with shamanism. Sound healing/therapy and ocultists. My gongs have sounds and energies unlike any others. Deep, powerful and resonant. They are excellent healing and meditative tools. I’ve been making very high quality Sistrums for years. Each bronze bell is forged into shape, tuned and lathed. I also spend a lot of time in various countries finding suitable wood for my Sistrums. Their clarity, resonance and enchanting sounds have found favour with many involved with Shamanic healing work. - extracts from Biography | Steve Hubback official
The Quest: Spoof CD edition (1993)


Steve Hubback's It's My Head - The Joy Of Life (Studio Urania, 1989)
feat. Andrea Centazzo, Pere Oliver Jörgens, David Moss

Steve Hubback & Jorgen Cremonese - It's My Head (Studio Urania, 1987)
listen 'Symphonic Departure'
Steve Hubback's It's My Head - The Joy Of Life (Studio Urania, 1989)
feat. Andrea Centazzo, Pere Oliver Jörgens, David Moss
[881.1] blue 11
Kenneth Knudsen - Anima (Kong Pære, 1979)
listen 'Quo Vadis' / discogs / official
Giusto Pio - Alla Corte Di Nefertiti (L'Ottava, 1988)
Eric Towren - Zenith: Music For Space And Oceanographic Science (Sylvester Music Company, 1967)
listen 'L'Erebe A.' / discogs
Hans-Karsten Raecke - Elemente / Blau (Klangwerkstatt Edition, 1999)
Aidan Baker - At The Fountain Of Thirst (Mystery Sea, 2003)
Windy & Carl - A Dream of Blue (Ochre Records, 1999)
listen 'A Dream Of Blue' / discogs / bandcamp
Coti - Quasi (FM/Indivisible, 1997)
Donna Regina - Northern Classic (Karaoke Kalk, 2002)
listen 'Let's Get Slow' / discogs
Insides - Euphoria (Guernica/4AD, 1993)
Claire Thomas & Susan Vezey - Reprint (Snatch Tapes, 1980)
listen 'Bright Waves' / discogs / bc / official
[881] David Jackman - Slow Music
Label: Snatch Tapes
Catalog#: none
Format: Cassette
Country: UK
Released: 1980
A Slow Music 1 14:17
B Slow Music 2 15:04
前衛音楽〜ノイズ/ポスト・インダストリアル周辺の曠野に百千の作品を発表している、音楽家/ビジュアル・アーティストOrganum(オルガヌム)ことDavid Jackman。「Slow Music」はPhilip Sanderson(Claire Thomas & Susan Vezey, Storm Bugs etc)キュレーションによるSnatch Tapesより少数部リリースされた、81年のカセット作品。60年代末から70年代初頭にはCornelius Cardewの不定形即興アンサンブルThe Scratch Orchestraへ参加、その重要なメンバーであったEddie Prevost(AMM)に感化されたというシンバルの弓奏(ボウイング)をはじめ、インドの擦弦楽器エスラジ、テープループによるシンプルな編成の即興演奏。たなびく弓奏ドローンに、ターンと滴り落ちる水のごとき打音が重なるA面、そしてエスラジが加わり金属色のドローンがうなるB面。炸裂寸前でくすぶる爆発物をジリジリと静観するような、狂気と静穏が美しく平衡するミニマリズム。
Black and white cover featuring a photo-motif of a bird flying over water with the words ‘Slow Music’ on the spine. All sounds are looped. Music consists of sparse tonal textures and is very hypnotic and graceful. Both tracks are in mono. A-side instrumentation: Cymbal. B-side instrumentation: Cymbal and Esraj. Published by Snatch Tapes (with an old contact address). - www.brainwashed.com/organum/
[880] A.R. Kane - 69
Label: Rough Trade
Catalog#: ROUGH 119
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: UK
Released: 1988
A1 Crazy Blue 3:26
A2 Suicide Kiss 3:36
A3 Baby Milk Snatcher 3:17
A4 Scab 3:25
A5 Sulliday 6:33
B1 Dizzy 3:47
B2 Sperm Whale Trip Over 4:40
B3 The Sun Falls Into The Sea 5:46
B4 The Madonna Is With Child 3:49
B5 Spanish Quay (3) 2:07
1986年にAlex AyuliとRudy Tambalaによって東ロンドンで結成、「黒いThe Jesus and Mary Chain」とも評されたネオ・サイケデリア〜preシューゲイズ・ユニットA.R. Kane(A.R. ケイン)の88年作。
A.R. Kane (or A R Kane or A.R.Kane) were a British dream pop duo consisting of Alex Ayuli and Rudy Tambala that formed in 1986. Their name was partially derived from their first names, the "A" in Alex and the "R" in Rudy. The duo hailed from East London. Ayuli and Tambala were also part of the one-off recording collective MARRS, which included the group Colourbox, in 1987. Their song "Pump Up the Volume" became a surprise worldwide number one chart hit. - Wikipedia: A.R. Kane
投稿 (Atom)