
[949] Josh Furey - Cartridge: An Ambient 8-Bit Adventure

エレクトロニカ/アンビエント・リスナーから厚い信頼を寄せられる、Dave MichudaのLow Light Mixes。12月2日更新は、Nocturne Recordsを主宰するカナダの音楽家/プロデューサーJosh Furey(ジョシュ・フューレイ)がゲストで登場。8ビット/ビンテージ・ビデオゲーム・ミュージックのアンビエントMix。

The mix consists of ambient and slower vintage 8-bit video game music.  It starts off with a cut from Disasterpeace from the album FEZ.  I had just recently bought the album and was thinking about doing an 8-bit type of mix myself when Josh sent me his Cartridge mix.  Wow, am I glad I didn't bother with my mix because Josh's blend of 8-bit music and video game sounds and tunes is perfect. - note by low light mixes

track list / download
