[236] Vasco Martins - The Prophecy Of Sound
「ザ・プロフェシー・オブ・サウンド」(音の予言)は、現在進行中のプロジェクトです。私が住んでいる島では、コンピューターや編集を使わず、Prophet Rev 2(このプロジェクト名の由来でもあるアナログシンセ)だけ使い、インスピレーションと様々な「旅」に沿って、カーボベルデや他の地域の環境と音楽、または文化的レファレンスのない音楽を、多様な審美的自由の中で作り、録音しています。 - ヴァスコ・マルティンス
Vasco Martins is a Cape Verdean composer of orchestral music, electronic, progressive, ambient, and with beautiful incursions in traditional CV music. As a performer Vasco Martins plays electronic keyboards with his own design, piano and guitar. In the early 1980s, when he was studying in Paris, fascinated by the possibilities of synthesizers, he began his forays into electronic music, which until now has remained the axial force of his music. As a naturalist, he has a special approach to the Atlantic Ocean and sea eagle Pandion halieatus. His epic symphony No. 9 'Atlantic Ocean', shows this close interconnection. In a career spanning over 40 years, writing and composing more than 30 albums, Vasco Martins is regarded as a representative composer of electronic and orchestral music. ▲