[905] Drone + Visual Humming - Handscape / Landscrape
Label: Drone Visual Humming
Catalog#: DVHK7#1
Format: Cassette, Album
Country: France
Released: 1994
1 Handscape 04:17
2 Universe in the Room 04:40
3 Out to Lunch (the best Donald Miller blade) 04:40
4 Lowscape I 03:47
5 Les 4 Couches de la Coulée 01:51
6 Cowbells 03:42
7 Spoon 04:08
8 Anamorphic Space 03:01
9 Drown under Dronescape 03:17
10 Field of Strings 02:06
11 Lowscape II 02:40
ポルトガルのエクスペリメンタル・ユニットOsso Exóticoとの共同作品で知られる自作ガラス楽器デュオVerres Enharmoniquesの一人で、電子作曲家Eliane Radigueの作品にも関わるリヨン出身のコンクレート・コンポーザー/サウンド・アーティストEmmanuel Holterbach(エマニュエル・ホルターバッハ)。レーベル同名のDrone Visual Hummingなる名義で、94年にカセットで発表したソロ初作。エフェクト類を使用せずテーブルトップ・ギターのみの演奏をオープンリール上でレイヤー。太古の農工機械が人力駆動するような不規則な連続性。音響の原生を楽器から自然に解き放つローテクノロジーのアヴァン/ドローン。
This is one of my earliest archive. Table top electric guitar experimentations directly plugged, recorded and multilayered on a 4 tracks reel-to-reel, from december 1993 to april 1994. No electronic effects, no hi-fi. Handscape / Landscrape was originaly published as a cassette. Three different limited home-made editions were done: -first edition comes in a transparent plastic bag, the booklet is wraped in a latex cover, probably limited to 10 -second edition totaly forgotten (!!!) -third edition comes in a transparent plastic cover containing and original photography and hand-made drawing + booklet, limited to 11. The cassette has been reviewed (in a lovely manner) by Seymour Glass in Bananafish #10: "That magician from NM whose name sounded like Welders Goggles. Flexible porcelain flapping against the spoke of a bicycle tire." - Emmanuel Holterbach Bandcamp
1971, lives and works in Lyon, France
Emmanuel Holterbach is a musique concrete composer and sound artist. He presents acousmagic environments, performances and concerts since 1992. He plays enharmonic glasses with Sophie Durand in Orbes. He plays acousmagic music with Etienne Coussirat in EHŒCO. He's also playing occasionaly with Lionel Marchetti, Hitoshi Kojo, Michael Northam, or has played with David Maranha, Jean-François Laporte, Pierre Berthet. He writes and presents lectures about sound art and the art of listening. He’s also in charge of Eliane Radigue’s archives and have written her biography (published by INA/GRM). He organises the publication of Eliane Radigue's archive for Alga Marghen and Important Records. Co-founder member of sound object & record label Les Productions Fluorescentes.
[904] Todd Barton - Pieces
Catalog#: SP 100
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: US
Released: 1986
A1 Dracula 8:41
A2 Seascape With Shark & Dancer 2:45
A3 Wild Oats 3:34
A4 Measure For Measure 1:58
A5 Titus Andronicus 1:24
B1 Obake: Sepeku 2:03
B2 Obake: Journey 4:00
B3 Music Of The Kesh: Yes-Singing 2:30
B4 Music Of The Kesh: The River Song 3:08
B5 Music Of The Kesh: Willow Song 1:05
B6 Music Of The Kesh: Heron Dance 4:06
オレゴン出身の作曲家/サウンド・デザイナーTodd Barton(トッド・バートン)。Buchla社のコンサルティング・アーティストを務めるほか、Hanken Audio社のピアノ・キーボードContinuum、Richard Waters(Gravity Adjusters Expansion Band)が発明した創作楽器ウォーターフォンなど特殊楽器のデモンストレーションを兼ねた楽曲、交響楽団のオーケストラ・スコア、演劇の劇伴音楽、スミソニアン博物館の展示のためのゲノム・ミュージックなど、活動をはじめた60年代から現在まで数多くの作品の制作。86年発表の「Pieces」は、当時制作中のプロジェクトを含む音源を編修したポートフォリオ的自主制作盤。副題は「The Musical Topographies」(音の地誌学)。83-84オレゴン・シェイクスピア・フェスティヴァルで公演された「Dracula」のための室内楽(The Kronos Quartet参加)、サンフランシスコ・サード・ウェイヴ・ダンス・カンパニー委嘱のアトモスフェリックなエレクトロニック作「Obake」、ゲド戦記の著者として知られるUrsula K. Le Guinの小説「オールウェイズ・カミングホーム」の朗読/サウンドトラックなど、各主要セクションを収録。曲ごとに一様ではない手法/アイデアが取り入れられた、映像や風景を喚起させるイマジネイティブなアンビエント・サウンドで、中でもネイティヴ・アメリカン的文化をもつ民族「ケシュ」の物語に登場するWeosai Medoud teyahi(笛), Boud(太鼓)やチター風の弦楽器を用いて、空想上の民族性を創造(再現)した「Music Of The Kesh」が素晴らしいです。
After four decades of exploration Todd Barton is still delving deeply into the ever-expanding frontiers of musical expression: from his DNA derived Genome Music to his innovative scores for plays at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival; from performances of Zen Shakuhachi Meditation Music to avant-garde music for electronic synthesizers and computers; from performing with luminaries of jazz and poetry to lecturing on music and composition from the Middle Ages to the 21st Century. Todd Barton is currently a Consulting Artist for Buchla Electronic Musical Instruments. He is also Resident Composer Emeritus for the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. His compositions have been performed by the KRONOS Quartet, Oregon Symphony Orchestra, San Jose Chamber Orchestra, Southern Oregon Repertory Singers, the Shasta Taiko, and the Rogue Valley Symphony to name a few. Barton has received numerous awards for his theater music including the ASCAP Award for Popular Music, Dramalogue Critics Award, and the San Francisco Bay Area Theatre Critics Circle Award. He recently received a Jeff Award Nomination in Chicago for his original score to The Oedipus Complex. His music has been heard on NPR’s Morning Edition, Westcoast Live, and the Curve of Wonder.
[related links]
Oregon Shakespeare Festival: Dracula, 1983-84
Chercheurs de sons: Instruments Kesh
[903] Sokpb Avabodha - Аудиальная Транскрипция Некоторых Текстов Владимира Мартынова
Label: -
Catalog#: -
Format: Digital, Album
Country: Russia
Released: 2012
1 Музыкально-Поэтическое Пространство 5:14
2 Музыкально-Поэтическое Пространство 5:06
3 Пространство Любви И Смерти 9:53
4 Пространство Любви И Смерти 8:15
5 Пространство Любви И Смерти 8:57
6 Пространство Любви И Смерти 9:00
7 Война И Мир (Версия Для Мальчиков) 37:24
8 Война И Мир (Версия Для Девочек) 34:15
One-man experimental project from Ekaterinburg, Russia. The sound texture is based on prepared sound of acoustic and electric guitars, a widely used field-recordings and various improvised means
The idea to issue such a release occurred after reading the Vladimir Martynov's book "Autoarcheology. 1952-1972 "(Moscow, Publishing House" Classic XXI Century ", 2011), in which were given this absolutely minimalist texts. We can say that this selection - it's not an album in the classic sense, not music, but rather a ritual, a ritual of respect for the thoughts and judgments that Vladimir Ivanovich develops in his books, which grew up in him throughout his life and his compositor way, and that he practices in his work. Each track is a paragraph of text of the same name, or the text entirely. Not recommended for consistent and attentive listening. - sokpb avabodha bandcamp
[902] John Avery - Nighthawks
Label: Final Image
Catalog#: FIB 2
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: UK
Released: 1985
A1 And Never Let Go
A2 And Never Let Go
A3 And Never Let Go
A4 And Never Let Go
B Nighthawks
John Avery is an English solo performer and composer & sound designer for theatre. In the 1980s & 90s he was a member of the Sheffield band Hula. He has been a collaborator with the theatre group Forced Entertainment since that time and many of his solo projects fed into music for their performances. John's work has been described as a juxtaposition of melody and noise and is characterised by a sense of narrative. We think he's an important musician. - Forced Nostalgia
"Nighthawks" and "And Never Let Go" form part of a soundtrack written and recorded for a theatre piece entitled "Nighthawks" by Forced Entertainment Theatre Co-operative. The show is their fourth project to date, and the second to include specially written music by John Avery. "Nighthawks" itself is set in a lonely American bar, it works in a highly visual style using performance, light set and soundtrack to explore ideas about romance, travel and sexuality. - discogs
And Never Let Go: Directed by Andrew Hulme and shot on 16mm.
John Avery - Jessica In The Room Of Lights (1986/reissue 2012)
[901] David Cunningham - Biella
David Cunningham solo performance:
electric guitar, footpedals, delays
recorded 8 July 2000
within Martin Creed's installation in the exhibition ‘A casa di...’
Fondazione Pistoletto, Biella
curated by Giacinto di Pietrantonio
[900.1] KCRW: Morning Becomes Eclectic
サンタモニカ・カレッジのキャンパス内にあるNational Public Radio Station傘下のFM局KCRW。Jason Bentleyがホストを務める音楽番組「Morning Becomes Eclectic」7月16日放送の最新回は、LAのコンポーザー/特殊トランペット奏者Jon Hassell(ジョン・ハッセル)を特集。ライブ・パフォーマンスとインタビューの様子が動画で公開されています。
KCRW - 89.9 MHz FM
(broadcast: Jul 16, 2014)
L.A. based composer and avant-garde trumpeter Jon Hassell is revered for his minimalist ambient work.
We'll have a rare visit when he brings a trio to perform select pieces
for Morning Becomes Eclectic listeners at 11:15am.
[900] Raw - Land
Catalog#: elf 003
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: Greece
Released: 1991
A1 Children Playing
A2 Desertland
A3 Elfland
A4 Bellydance
A5 Hollow Land
A6 Gypsy Land
A7 Crossing Borderlines
A8 Waterland
B1 The Morning Gets...
B2 In Finnish Woods
B3 Theme For Land
B4 Dreamland
B5 Mistyland
B6 Shipwreck
B7 Wonderland
B8 Burned Land
昨年Geheimnis Recordsから編集盤がリリースされた、アテネのダークウェイヴ・グループRehearsed Dreamsのメンバーとして80年代初期より活動、現在はION名義でミニマルなテクノ作品をリリースするGiannis Papaioannou(Γιάννης Παπαϊωάννου)。ニューウェイヴ・グループFilm Noirに参加し、ハウス/テクノを経由後、最近ではコントラバスのアルコ奏法によるドローン/コンテンポラリー作品を発表しているCoti Kyriakos(Κωσταντίνος Λουκάς)。Papaioannouも参加したロック・グループSpider's Webではドラムを担当したマルチメディア作家Makis Faros(Μάκης Φάρος)。3人によって90年に結成されたプロジェクトRaw、91年発表の初作「Land」。活動当初は「架空の待合室のための音楽」という環境音楽的なアイデアがあったといいますが、サンプリング/ループ、E-bow/ベースの持続低音に、民族的なインストゥルメンツや環境音、ヴォーカルを織り交ぜた高揚的なトライバル・グルーヴは、スタティックな環境同調を拒み、濃厚な異境アンビエンスを立ち込めさせるもの。砂漠から北欧の森林まで、土地土地を回游するイマジナリーな全方位観光はKevin Harrison/Neo「Global Network」に近しい世界観を感じます。
[899] Bill Lewis & Khan Jamal - The River
Label: Philly Jazz Inc.
Catalog#: PJ100
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: US
Released: 1978
A The River A: The WaterFall 16:55
B1 The River B: The Vanishing Man 10:32
B2 As Salim 8:38
Bill Lewis: Vibes / Khan Jamal: Marimba
Recorded at St. Mary's Church Parish Hall, Philadelphia, on August 8, 1977
The music on this album is called jazz or black classical music or the new music or avante garde. The name is not important; it is grass roots, the music of the people. I feel that it tells the story of the struggle of all people. In dealing with music, one must remember that there is more to music than what the eyes or ears can percieve. - liner notes 'The River'
[related article]
destination: OUT - LOST TONES: Bill Lewis & Khan Jamal’s The River
[898] Martin Zeichnete - Kosmischer Läufer: The Secret Cosmic Music Of The East German Olympic Program 1972-83 Volume 2
Label: Unknown Capability Records
Catalog#: UCKL002
Format: Digital, Album
Country: UK
Released: 2014
1 Zeit Zum Laufen 172 3:13
2 Morgenröte 9:51
3 Flucht Aus Dem Tal Der Ahnungslosen 10:13
4 Die Kapsel 3:22
5 Die Libellen 1:29
6 Mausi Mausi 1:30
7 Walzer Der Roten Katze 1:34
8 Der Hörraum 1:32
9 Für Kati 3:53
10 Weltraumspaziergang 4:13
Tracks 1-4 172BPM Running Program.
Tracks 5-8 Gymnastic Floor Exercise.
Tracks 9-10 Figure Skating Long Program.
旧東ドイツ出身の作曲家Martin Zeichneteが、自国オリンピック選手団の競技やトレーニングのために作曲していたというコスミック・シンセ発掘音源。国営ラジオで働いていたZeichneteが、深夜ひそかに聞いていた旧西ドイツの音楽(Kraftwerk, Cluster, NEU!)に夢中になり、やがて政府に依頼を受けたオリンピック向けの音楽製作プロジェクト「Kosmischer Läufer」(コスミック・ランナー)に、構想していたアイデアを注ぎ込んだというもの。昨年から一部のクラウトロック・リスナーの間で話題となった第1集(ランナーのウォームアップ、ペースキープのための音楽)に続く本作は、ランニング、体操競技の床運動、フィギュア・スケートのロング・プログラムのための全10トラックを収録。いずれも72年から83年にかけての録音。83年にプロジェクトは中止になり、Zeichneteは解雇、今回のコンピレーションまで内密な音源とされていたようです。謎の多い作曲家/プロジェクトですが、Jürgen MüllerやUrsula Bognerのような、架空人物として作り上げられた作品かもしれません。ヴァイナルは7月末から8月上旬にリリース予定。
Flemming Petersen – Moonwater orinpikku
[897] 木太聡 - Womb 音
Label: -
Catalog#: KONTE-03
Format: CDR, Album
Country: Japan
Released: 2013
1 鞄 0:151
2 足踏みオルガン 3:18
3 ブリキ 1:02
4 鉄車 3:25
5 ハンガーと電灯の傘 3:06
6 ミシン スイッチ 0:55
7 裁断機 0:24
8 トイピアノとハンガー 2:17
9 豆挽き 1 0:50
10 木ねじ 1:07
11 ハンガー 回る 1:18
12 ペンケース 1 0:40
13 口笛 0:39
14 トイピアノとミシン 1:27
15 キーホルダー 1:32
16 網 0:25
17 鎖と看板 3:50
18 豆挽き 2 0:30
19 今日 6:31
20 ミシン 1台 2:15
21 布メジャー 伸ばす 0:10
22 布メジャー しまう 0:15
23 看板 回る 1:33
24 鉄 切らない 0:37
25 スプリング 0:59
26 ペンケース 2 0:57
27 鉄屑 1:11
28 鎖 落とす 0:34
29 扇風機 1 2:36
30 Choral Blue 2:42
31 鉄 切る 0:30
32 ペンケース 3 0:54
33 Improvisation 4:18
34 看板 ゆれる 0:46
35 扇風機 2 1:25
36 栓抜き 1:46
37 ミシン 3台 2:14
38 トイピアノと扇風機 1:56
39 時計 2:07
倉敷でピアノ教室の開き、トイピアノのための楽譜を出版、自主制作でソロ作品を発表している鍵盤奏者・木太聡(きたあきら)の3作目。ガチャガチャ・コトコト・ゴロゴロ、次々連なる不思議な物音は、倉敷市にある古道具店「Womb brocante」に一晩泊まり込み録音したという古道具の音。物音にフォーカスをあてた作品といえば、たとえば普段聞こえないような音を提示するデリケイトな音響作品を連想しますが、本作は身近な家庭用道具が使われていて、どこか懐かしく親しみのある表情。道具に触れ、戯れ、そして音を発見してゆく──誰も居なくなった店内でひっそりと行われる道具たちによるミュージカル、そのための調律を施している、というような空想を広げる楽しさ。間に添えられるように配置されたピアノ曲も、この作品のなかでは生活道具の1つとして存在していて、逆に物音はより音楽的に響いています。背後には道具店の空間/気配。店内に並べられた道具を、断片的に知覚することで、聞き手の中にパズルのようにシーンが組み立てられる、間接的な「一室のサウンドスケープ」作品としても。
buy/listen sample
雨と休日 オンラインショップ ▲
Ame to Kyujitsu (Tokyo, Nishiogi)
quiet, slow & gentle music for ordinary day
Schroeder: composed by akira kita
[896] va Remote Viewing
Catalog#: Box 001/002
Format: Cassette
Country: UK
Released: 1986/89
Vol.1 (1986)
A1 Greg Truckell - Linear 8:40
A2 Darkside - Consider Phlebas 7:43
A3 Kevin O'Neill - Islands Suite 8:21
A4 Steve Hillman - Star Temple 8:31
A5 Mike Brooks - Monastery In The Andes 7:03
B1 Mike Hines - Untitled 7:28
B2 Tim Stebbing - Himalaya 5:25
B3 Marvin Wilson - Part One 7:25
B4 Pete Tedstone - Untitled 5:04
B5 Magenta Mirror - Lemurian Timewar 7:06
B6 New 7th Music And The Exploding Headband - Transfiguration 7:12
Vol.2 (1989)
A1 Howard Ingram - Sacrestone 72 3:58
A2 Michael Hines - The Spirit Of Radio 7:15
A3 Greg Truckell - Mesh 4:52
A4 Magenta Mirror - NX-X1-11 6:08
A5 R. N. Andrews - Chinese Dentist Time 3:12
A6 Steve Hillman - Citadel Parts 1 And 2 12:18
A7 Colin Potter - Malton 4:00
B1 Kevin O'Neill - Lik Mai 5:50
B2 John Costello - Gormen Ghast 6:27
B3 What It Is - Rearing Pigs 2:26
B4 Martin Coles & Rick Wernham - Object Detection 2:20
B5 Rancid Poultry - Controlled Exposure 9:00
B6 Peter Tedstone - Mystic Sequence 7:34
B7 Tim Stebbing - Star City 4:55
ジャーマン・エレクトロニクスから多大な影響を受けた電子音楽家を中心に、コンテンポラリー・ギタリストやエレクトロ・アコースティック作家を巻き込み、新たなアトモスフェリック・ミュージックを提示する小さな動きが生まれた80年代後期ウェールズ。「Remote Viewing」は、薄暗く物憂げなシンセサイザーの響きでメンタル・スケッチに没入していた同地出身の音楽家Kevin O'Neill主宰のレーベルNetwork 23(作品名・レーベル名ともTangerine Dreamにまつわるネーミング)から発表されたコンピレーション作品。UKシンセ・ニューエイジ/エレクトロニック・ミュージックの重要作家Steve Hillman、Mike Brooks、Peter Tedstone、Colin Potterをはじめ、おそらく当時無名であった作家達が参加。下記サンプルは89年「Vol.2」よりMichael HinesのA2、The Land Of YrxのメンバーでもあるR.N. AndrewsのA5。特にメランコリーなギター・アルペジオがシンセとともに浮遊するMichael Hinesが秀逸です。
Kevin O'Neill - live Network 23 concert Cardiff 1989
Greg Truckell - live Network 23 concert Cardiff 1989
Steve & Linda Hillman - live Network 23 concert Cardiff 1989
[895] Javier Bergia - Eclipse
Label: Emotional Rescue
Catalog#: ERC020
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: UK
Released: 2014
A1 Ballenas 2:30
A2 Adiós Tren De Jaipur 2:30
A3 Midnight Round Mekines 2:30
A4 Donde Una Amapola Blanca Revienta 2:30
A5 Tierra A La Vista 2:30
B1 Tagomago 2:30
B2 El Colegio De Alvarito 2:30
B3 Eucaliptus Blues 2:30
B4 Himalaya 2:30
B5 Interior Del Bosque 2:30
CD Bonus. A Una Muchacha... 1:18
CD Bonus. Gran Vía 2:30
CD Bonus. Kabul 2:30
CD Bonus. La Alegría Del Coyote 2:30
CD Bonus. La Oración Y El Té 2:30
CD Bonus. Rio Nilo 2:30
ニューウェイブ/エクスペリメンタル/ディスコの良質カルト作を紹介する、Stuart Leath主宰のリイシュー専門レーベルEmotional Rescue。20番目はマドリッド出身のマルチ奏者/シンガーソングライターJavier Bergia(ハビエル・ベルヒア)の編集盤が登場。Gregorio Paniagua率いる古楽合奏団Atrium Musicae De Madridや、Juan Alberto Artecheを中心とするプログレッシヴ/ニューウェイヴ・グループFinis Africaeの一員として、多くの民族楽器を操る名手でありながら、ソロではギターを抱え、質朴なボーカルで歌われるフォーキーな作品を発表しています。この「Eclipse」は、初期作のほか近年の録音も取り上げ、全キャリアを通じたベストともいえる選曲。SoundCloudで公開されているCD Bonus含む全16曲より、97年「Noche Infinita…」収録のA2(Bergiaのタブラ/ダラブッカが素晴らしいです)、89年「Tagomago」収録のA5。
Emotional Rescue is proud to present the first ever collection of works from Spanish song writer Javier Bergia. As a member of Finas Africae his name is finally coming to prominence. Now with this selection of his music from 1985 to today, the depths of his acoustic, folk and balearic writing can be heard.
Born in Madrid in 1958 to a family steeped in both classical and Spanish traditional music, Javier ’s unique mastery of guitar, percussion, voice, poetry and composition is drawn from both this grounding and upon his lifelong musical inquisitiveness’. Since 1980 he has been an integral part of the ancient music group ‘Atrium Musicae ’. In 1984 he founded, with Juan Alberto Arteche and Luis Delgado, the groundbreaking group ‘Finis Africae’ as a sonic investigation into a fusion o f diverse ethnic musical forms incorporating both indigenous instruments and electronic elements. As a solo artist, his career blossomed when, in 1985, he recorded his first LP, the acclaimed
‘Recoletos’ and he has since recorded thirteen solo albums . With Luis Delgado he recorded the now classic album ‘La Fl or De Piedra’ under the name Ishinohana and regularly appears with singer Ismael Serrano. Javier has composed music for and collaborated on many documentaries, films and advertisements as well as collaborating on protects with a myriad o f artists including María del Mar Bonet, Joaquín Díaz, Vainica Doble, Marina Heredia, Pablo Guerreo, Antonio Vega and Café del Mar.
Today he participates in the Sephardic music groups ‘Halilem’ and ‘Alquibla’, as well as diverse alternative chamber music groups. Javier works around the world as composer, arranger and producer and he appears daily with Manolo HH on Radio Nacional de España. - Emotional Rescue
[894.1] 1969
Terry Riley - A Rainbow In Curved Air
Douglas Leedy - The Electric Zodiac
Gail Laughton - Harps of the Ancient Temples
listen Stonehenge 1600 B.C. / discogs
Edward Artemyev / Stanislav Kreitchi / Alexander Nemtin / Sandor Kallos - Electronic Music
Louise Huebner - Louise Huebner's Seduction Through Witchcraft
Don Robertson - Dawn
Ralph Lundsten / Leo Nilson – Tellus / Fågel Blå
Mort Garson - Signs Of The Zodiac series
La Monte Young / Marian Zazeela - The Black Record
Ruth White - Flowers Of Evil
Eliane Radigue – Σ=a=b=a+b
listen / discogs

Vladimir Cosma - Insolite And Co.
listen Pavane Spatiale / discogs

Irv Teibel - Environments

Vladimir Cosma - Insolite And Co.
listen Pavane Spatiale / discogs

Irv Teibel - Environments
[894] Vladimir Cosma - Insolite And Co.
Label: PSI
Catalog#: PSI 3032
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: France
Released: 1969
A1 Impact 3:11
A2 Pavane Spatiale 2:32
A3 Psychoshisme 2:30
A4 Informatique 2:38
A5 Hypotension 2:32
A6 Mecanissimo 2:46
B1 Batiskafka 3:21
B2 Anticorps 3:05
B3 Transmutations 3:30
B4 Obsexion 2:05
B5 Cristallisation 2:45
B6 Etherisation 2:42
Vladimir Cosma (born April 13, 1940) is a Romanian composer, conductor and violinist, born in Bucharest, Romania. He was born in a family of musicians, his father Teodor Cosma was Orchestra Electrecord conductor. Vladimir Cosma studied music in Bucharest and in September 1962 emigrated to Paris, France with his family. There he continue his musical education at The École Normale de Musique de Paris under Nadia Boulanger's guidance. He has written the music for many well known French movies. Since 1963 he lives in Paris, France.
[893.1] blue 12
Henry-Skoff Torgue - Le Prince Apatride (Spalax Music, 1980)
listen Bacchanale Cardinale / discogs

Vladimír Hirsch - Synthetics-Themes (D.M.Recordings, 1987)
listen The Song About Your Guilt / discogs


Vladimír Hirsch - Synthetics-Themes (D.M.Recordings, 1987)
listen The Song About Your Guilt / discogs

Peter Pannke – Music For Unborn Children: A Harmonic Experience (Wergo, 1988)
Joe Jones & Chicken To Kitchen - Fluxsaints (Artware Production, 1994)
listen Fluxus Meditation / discogs

Juan Teruel García - Neuma (Cassettes Proceso Uvegraf, 1986)
listen Autoproseccion / discogs

Chris Peck - Impressions Of Vincent Van Gogh (Relukreul Records, 1987)

Moral - And Life Is (Arp Grammofon, 1984)
listen Airscape / discogs

Bill Nelson - Altar Pieces (The Orpheus Organisation, 1990)
listen Signum Natura (bc) / discogs

Wings + Heaven - The Ropes That Bind (Beat Buddy Music, 1988)
Feral Ethereal: Selected Works of Kailene Godheight Vol. 1 (2003)
listen Saw a Tree, 1972 (bc)

Juan Teruel García - Neuma (Cassettes Proceso Uvegraf, 1986)
listen Autoproseccion / discogs

Chris Peck - Impressions Of Vincent Van Gogh (Relukreul Records, 1987)

Moral - And Life Is (Arp Grammofon, 1984)
listen Airscape / discogs

Bill Nelson - Altar Pieces (The Orpheus Organisation, 1990)
listen Signum Natura (bc) / discogs

Wings + Heaven - The Ropes That Bind (Beat Buddy Music, 1988)
Feral Ethereal: Selected Works of Kailene Godheight Vol. 1 (2003)
listen Saw a Tree, 1972 (bc)
[893] Romeo Vendrame - The Principle Of Moments
Label: RecRec Music
Catalog#: ReCDec 35
Format: CD, Album
Country: Switzerland
Released: 1992
1 Die Verteilung Der Winde 7:01
2 Im Wasser 7:31
3 Incense 6:00
4 Die Aufmerksamkeit Der Geruch 7:36
5 Letargo 6:33
6 Raah 7:22
7 Sable Pour Cage 6:19
植字工に従事した後、70年代末に音楽活動を開始。91年に画家に転向し、97年からはフォトグラファーとして作品を発表しているチューリッヒ出身の作家Romeo Vendrame(ロメオ・ヴェンドラメ)。地元のインディペンデント・レーベルRecRecから出版された92年作「一瞬の原理」は、雨や風の自然現象、空気/気配ほどの淡いノイズ成分、弦やチャイムなどのインストゥルメントを素材に構成されたキャリア全4作中のラストワーク。ポスト・インダストリアル/リチュアル派とも親和性をもつ手法で、静謐な風景に息づくアニマを映し出すフォノグラフィックな音響アンビエント。
Romeo Vendrame: Trained as typographer
1979–91 musician, 1991–97 painter, 97- photographer
Lives and works in Zurich, Switzerland
[892] Ernesto Diaz Infante & Rotcod Zzaj - Bluer Than Blue
Label: Zzaj Productions
Catalog#: ZP-1
Format: CD
Country: US
Released: 1997
1 A Brighter Shade of Whale 2:29
2 Backbeat Baroque 6:36
3 Bluer Than Blue 2:46
4 Echo Indigo 3:54
5 Freak-ee Fast Fugue 3:34
6 Hex Files 2:46
7 High Strung Seance 3:39
8 Indie 500 Anthem 2:58
9 Jangle Tree 2:44
10 Methedrine Sax 2:51
11 Mutual Accordionz 1:18
12 Noise Outta' Joint 2:52
13 Overspeak 3:18
14 Percussion Waltz 2:02
15 Renegade Bass 4:14
16 Seinfeld Walkin' In Th' Wind 4:13
17 Shatterglass 1:37
18 Slightly Supernatural 3:57
19 Slipped Sproketz 4:10
20 Stainless Steal-Away 3:19
21 Undertoes 3:21
22 Whattya' Have 1:43
Ernesto Diaz-Infante is one of the most interesting improvisors (alive) in the world today. Rotcod Zzaj met him (via the net) in 1996 or so… After exchanging various CD’s and tapes, it was clear that they “spoke” the same musical language… this CD is the first in a series of about 16 that they have performed on together. ▲
[891] Anton Zap - Water
Label: Apollo
Catalog#: AMB1311LP
Format: Vinyl, Album
Country: Belgium
Released: 2013
1 Water 10:18
2 Road Trip Song 10:15
3 Fade To What? 5:17
4 Funky Man 5:32
5 Captain Storm 5:24
6 Miles And More 8:57
7 Miniature 9:31
Although he only began releasing records since 2007 , Anton Zap is no newcomer. During a seven-year residency at Moscow’s famed Propaganda nightclub, Zap honed a serious love for soulful American house, disco, funk, and gospel, His releases have been causing quite a stir amongst lovers of Deep house . Acclaimed for their combination of deep house and classic Detroit techno, his releases have quickly led to high-profile gigs both inside and outside of his homeland; his foreign debut was at Berlin’s Panorama Bar in January 2009 . He has since gone on to feature in the highly profiled and successful UNDERGROUND QUALITY LABEL NIGHT – Alongside Levon Vincent , Jus Ed , Dj Qu , Fred P aka Black Jazz Consortium & Nina Kraviz ; @ Berlin’s Tape Club In September 2009. He continues to dj and bring international guests such as Fred P, Scott Ferguson, Jus Ed, Jenifa Mayanja, Jeremy MLIU, Jitterbug, Andy Compton (The Rurals), Jane Fitz, Gal from Juju and Jordash, and Jonny5 to his highly successful residency @ Moscow’s DS Bar. Labels have been knocking from all corners to sign him up . His releases have featured on Jus Ed’s well respected Underground Quality imprint , Uzuri Recordings , Quintessentials , Millions Of Moments . Anton has been on demand for remix work too. Anton has launched his own label , Ethereal Sounds and the label quickly garnered much support and praise from record buyers and dj’s alike. - Uzuri | Bookings & Artist Management - Anton Zap
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