[917] Jliat - 16:05:94
Label: JLIAT
Catalog#: JLIAT9401
Format: CD, Album
Country: UK
Released: 1994
1 16:05:94 60:04
90年代から静寂、騒音、戦争などをテーマに、コンセプチュアルな音響/サウンドアート作品を制作しているイギリスの作家Jliat(ジリアット)ことJames Whitehead(ジェームズ・ホワイトヘッド)。「16:05:94」は当時の音響系リスナーの間で密かに話題となったという94年作品。YAMAHAのFMシンセサイザー/オペレータによる6つのループを重ねた隙目のない煙霧が、水平線のように一方に向かって漂動。時が進むにつれ、鳴り続く帯状のドローンは無意識の地となり、その表層に淡い波紋が浮かんでは融け消え、風鳴り/オーバートーン、彩雲といった自然現象がぼんやりと変化してゆく。フェードアウトせずに途切れてしまう結尾も、この1時間が永遠の一片であることを示しているかのようです。Jon GibsonやCharlemagne Palestineといったミニマリズムを継承し、同年「76 14」「Global Chillage」「Piercing Music」などテクノ/エレクトロニック作とは異なる逕路から、美しき静の極点へ到達した、現在のアンビエント・ドローンの源流ともいえる一作。CDは既に廃盤、2011年にYugen ArtによるYugen Archives(忘れられようとしている重要な作品を再発掘するプロジェクト)の第一弾として、新しいアートワークとともにフリーダウンロードで公開されています。
16:05:94 was made using the FM operators of the Yamaha SY99 & TG77 synthesizers which allow looping of envelopes. Because each sound is made from four elements which in turn are made by six FM operators, each with its own envelope, complex loop sequences can be programmed. The FM sound can then be sampled and these samples again made into loops. Such looping techniques in the past utilised tape. The piece then needs to be played simply by triggering the loops. Although a sequencer would appear to be the obvious choice I have found its fixed structure limiting. The loops have in them by virtue of their differences an undiscovered sequence, simply by letting them play against each other is all that is needed. The keyboard is used as a set of switches. I have borrowed a method of Herschel's who used brass weights to create an organ continuum, these are placed on the appropriate keys. Over time the rhythms generated produce new sounds. Because each start of a piece is unique, in the relation of the start of each looped sequence, the recording to DAT is of a completely unique event, the same set of algorithms played later produces a different piece. - 16:05:94 linernote
Yugen Archives is a collection of old works, (re)released as free downloads, by some of todays most interesting experimental artists. A rediscovering of their roots. I am honoured to be able to start the series with Jliat 16:05:94. Originally released by James Whitehead in 1994 on his own label, this got unanimous praise on all the right paper fanzines and quickly gained a cult status. Simply one of the best digital drone compositions ever released. 16:05:94 is (re)released for the first time in high quality 320k mp3 with scans of the original booklet and a new artwork designed by Yugen. Many thanks to James Whitehead. - Yugen Art ▲
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jliat Drones 1974 - 2004