
[816] Leo Hurwitz & Charles Pratt - Here At The Water's Edge 1: A Voyage in Sound

Label: Folkways Records

Catalog#: FW06161
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: US
Released: 1962

1 Ocean into Inland Waters 12:11

2 City Edge: The Coves of Manhattan Island 11:19
3 The Surrounding Shores / Rideout to Sea 10:57

堤防にぶつかる波しぶき、カモメの鳴き声、旅客船の霧笛、港での工事作業、ヘリコプターのプロペラ、エンジン音、鐘、業務放送、子どもの歌声、踏切警報音、金切り声を上げながら開く鉄の扉、チェーンを巻き取る歯車、ゆっくり走り出す機関車、近くで吠える犬、作業員の会話、インパクトドライバー、停泊する船と擦れるクッション材──ニューヨークの港周辺の環境音を収録した本作は、ドキュメンタリー映画作家Leo Hurwitz(レオ・ハーウィッツ)と写真家Charles Pratt(チャールズ・プラット)による同名映画のサウンドトラック盤。解説書ではこれらの音を自然音、人間の声、作業音(人間によるもの)、機械音(人間以上の力のもの)と4種類に分類。自然音に限らず、ウォーターフロントに存在するあらゆる音が対象とされた構成は、Tony Schwartz「New York 19」や後の「The Vancouver Soundscape」のように、都市の呼吸を写実的に描いたサウンドスケープ資料としての記録性も。出版元はアメリカを代表する学術研究機関スミソニアンの一部門で、世界各地の伝統文化の音声を残すSmithsonian Folkways。


Recorded by Leo Hurwitz and Charles Pratt in and around the Port of New York, this album is separated into three categories: “Ocean into Inland Waters”, “City Edge: The Coves of Manhattan Island”, and “The Surrounding Shores; Rideout to Sea”. While the three categories represent a separation and a boundary of sorts between nature and man, it also weaves together these sounds as inseparable: “On this waterfront nature and man-created works are organically connected. The boundary becomes indefinite, the waters invading the land in the coves and the land in coves and inlets, or in the erosion of piers and beams, and man invading the waters with bridges, wharfs and tugboats.” Liner notes include thought provoking piece about the “voyage” by Sidney Finkelstein. - Smithsonian Folkways

Tony Schwartz - New York 19

Cable Car Soundscapes


[815] Terlu - Noyo Harbor

Label: Dept Tapes

Catalog#: dept06
Format: Cassette, Album, C20
Country: Mexico
Released: 2013

A Untitled

B Untitled

Curtain & Rod、Daycamp、Very Old Menなど多数の名義を持つ実験音楽作家Terluによる
最新作「Noyo Harbor」。スティールパンのような音色の電子音を基調に、靄がかったローファイな音像が夢心地に誘うサイドA、同じく薄らとノイズを含んだアトモスフィアにギターやピアノの点描がレイヤーされたサイドB。メキシコ第二の都市グアダラハラ(その中でも危険な地域と云われるロマス・ベルデス)を基地とする新興レーベルDept Tapesより。続出する地下レーベルと把握できない程の大量リリースで膨らみ続けるカセット/ドローン群の中でも、特に耳を奪われた一作です。


[814.1] 1975

Fripp & Eno - Evening Star

Fluence - Fluence
listen Schizo / discogs

Ned Lagin, Phil Lesh - Seastones

Franco Falsini - Cold Nose

Ariel Kalma - Ariel Kalma

David Rosenboom - Brainwave Music

Andrea Centazzo - Andrea Centazzo Plays UFIP

Heldon - Heldon II "Allez-Téia"

Iasos - Inter-Dimensional Music

Henri Roger - Images...
listen Images...discogs

Ernest Hood - Neighborhoods

Michael Snow ‎– Musics For Piano, Whistling, Microphone And Tape Recorder

Hajime Murooka M.D. - Sleep Gently In The Womb

Jade Warrior - Waves

Lindsay Blue - Love All Life

Ralph Lundsten ‎– Nordisk Natursymfoni Nr. 2 "Johannes Och Huldran"

Joel Andrews - Locrian Invocation

Pôle - Inside The Dream

Pierre Arvay - Metal Sunrise
listen Ambre Rayon / discogs

Master Wilburn Burchette - Music Of The Godhead For Supernatural Meditation

Piero Umiliani - Genti E Paesi Del Mondo

SYNERGY - Electronic Realizations for Rock Orchestra
listen Legacy / discogs

Emmanuel Brun - La Scie Musicale

Mannheim Steamroller - Fresh Aire

Besombes - Rizet - Pôle

Roberto Cacciapaglia - Sonanze

Philip Glass - Solo Music

Pulsar - Pollen
listen Pollen / discogs

Eroc - Eroc

Pôle - Kotrill
listen Kotrill / discogs

Brian Eno - Discreet Music

Gavin Bryars - The Sinking Of The Titanic

David Toop / Max Eastley - New And Rediscovered Musical Instruments

[814] F.P. & The Doubling Riders - Doublings & Silences Volume I

Label: ADN
Catalog#: DMM 001 R
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: Italy
Released: 1985

A1 Doublings And Silences 3:07

A2 Nights 3:04
A3 Doubled By The Sun 4:00
A4 Neoplastie Part. III 2:20
A5 The Warm Current 3:04
A6 The Last Emperor Of The Snakes 0:45
A7 HFA1 1:45
A8 Chinese Rain 1:45
B1 Effie Briest 1:08
B2 Voila Les Tropiquês 5:53
B3 Smell Into A Dream 3:42
B4 Schläft Ein Lied In Allen Aingen 2:22
B5 Blind Bodies 1:09
B6 Possession And Treasures 2:47
B7 In A Bed Of Trees 1:35
B8 Penguins (In A Cup Of Coffee) 1:00

ミラノの実験音楽シーン出身で、視聴覚作品制作を通じて現在は主に映画監督として活動するFrancesco Paladinoをはじめ、A.T.R.O.X.のメンバーを中心に結成された不定形なアヴァン楽団The Doubling Ridersによる「Doublings & Silences」第一集。A.T.R.O.X.組から、Paladinoとはエイオリアン・ハープを使った音響彫刻作も残しているPier Luigi Andreoni、その兄弟Alberto Andreoni、Marino Benvisi、仏エスノ・インダストリアル・アクトVox Populi!、ベルギーの実験音楽家Alain Neffe、アヴァン系シンガーソングライターGiovanni Sturmannなどが作曲に参加。セロの響きとナレーションA1にはじまり、鳥のさえずり(?)や風景音が挿入されたメランコリーなギター器楽A2、Alain Neffeの管楽器によるドローンA7, B2、レトロモダンな電子音響A8, B1など、出所不明の奇怪な古書物をめくるような、室内楽風の大人しやかな美を装いながら、徒ならぬ狂気を孕んだサウンド・ストーリーを繰り広げるコンセプト作。
ミラノのエクスペリメンタル/音響(Riccardo SinigagliaやOut Of Standard!!シリーズなどアンビエントな作品も)重要拠点ADNより。

The Doubling Riders - Doublings & Silences Vol. II (1988)

A.T.R.O.X. - The Night's Remains (1982)


[813] NNC - Fosen

Label: Not On Label
Catalog#: 001 523 3806
Format: CD, Album
Country: Norway
Released: 1996

1 Untitled 10:35

2 Untitled 15:09
3 Untitled 10:12
4 Untitled 7:59
5 Change 15:45

Fosen (or NNC) was a duo consisting of R. Mikkelborg and P. Brønlund. They recorded the album "Fosen" in Fosen, Trøndelag, Norway, in 1994. The first four tracks of the album are untitled, and the fifth is titled "Change". The cover art was made by artist Christian Skagen. - Last.fm


[812] Kristian Blak - Klæmint

Label: Tutl

Catalog#: HJF 55
Format: CD, Album
Country: Faroe Islands
Released: 2000

1 Arc-En-Mer 6:45

2 Gevið Ljóð 1:48
3 Helen 4:47
4 Interlude 2:27
5 Stev 2:46
6 Clément 2:07
7 Filsni 3:13
8 Sjósálmur 2:46
9 Lýðið á 4:19
10 Surface 2:05
11 Lop 2:03
12 Nogen Hestes Styrke 2:42
13 Klæmint 5:32
14 Lag no 14 'ónefnt' 2:17

出生地のデンマーク・フレデリシアから北海に浮かぶフェロー諸島へ移り住み、自主レーベルTutlを拠点にジャズやトラッドなど島内の音楽を取り上げ、自身でも多くの作品を録音しているピアニスト/プロデューサーKristian Blak(クリスチャン・ブラク)。2000年に発表された「Klæmint」は、海沿いにある洞窟(grotto)を舞台に、Blakが指揮するグループKlaeminfsgjógvによる船上コンサートをライブ録音したシリーズの一作。さざめく波の音と深々とした場の気配が広がる環境の中、プレーヤーはナチュラルな響きを味わいながら、その反響/残響へも反応。音の端々に感じ取れる岩の手触り、波の記憶

Kristian Blak (voc, keyb, per). Heðin Ziska Davidsen (g). Ólavur Olsen (trp). Mikael Blak (b). Heri Jakobsen (nåverlur (4)). \r\nKlæmint is a suite by Kristian Blak composed to be played in a grotto-Klæmintsgjógv- on the coast of Hestur, Faroe Islands. The music is recorded on lokation May-August 1998. Klæmint is a common men´s name on the island of Hestur, originating from the latin Clemens- "mild, gentle". In 1984 the first grotto concert with music by Kristian Blak, Concerto Grotto, Was performed in another cave- Líðargjógv, Sandoy- by the group Ygdrasil and recorded on the same occasion. 1999 Record poll, receivers choises (David Lewis, Coda & Cadence, USA) - TUTL

[related movie]

Concert in the Caves, Faroe Islands

Klæmintsgjógv: Grotto Concert


[811] Slap - Pratique

Label: Duotone Records
Catalog#: DUO-5
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: US
Released: 1985

A1 Punchline 3:48
A2 She Makes Love Her Jail 4:03
A3 Hot House 4:12
A4 Blue Lunch 4:03
A5 Hand With Gun 3:30
B1 One Bird Two Stones 4:27
B2 The Pull Of Opposites 12:44
B2a Night For Day
B2b Playing House
B2c Left, Unsaid

1982年から80年代後期にかけてフロリダを拠点に活動したStephen Nester率いるSlap。第2作「Pratique」は、Weather Reportの一員でもあったパーカッショニストRobert Thomas, Jr.、サックス奏者のDirk Bill、タブラ担当のTim Richardsによる編成で録音。打楽器とスペーシーな電子音が鬩ぎあうトライバルA1、一変してサックスが深い闇夜を漂うアンビエントA4、ノイズがリズムを刻む暗雲のサウンドスケープから降霊自動筆記風に取り留めもなく打ち鳴らされるミニマル・ピアノへ、そして動静を行き来しながら歪みのクライマックスへ向かうB2など、種々のスタイルが綯い交じるエクスペリメンタルな作品。


[810] Pornosect - The Noose And The Spear

Label: Parade Amoureuse

Catalog#: PHOE 03
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: Germany
Released: 1989

A1 Invocation Of Power 21:11

A1.1 1st Movement
A1.2 2nd Movement
A1.3 3rd Movement
A1.4 4th Movement
A1.5 5th Movement
B1 New Dawn (V.3.1 Final Edit) 5:38
B2 The Sorrow And The Pleasure 3:34
B3 The Ritual Of Protection 4:34
B4 The Face Of Terror 4:19
B5 Media Response 1:42

Pornosect was a project by Andrew Burton with help from Daniel. R., Elisabeth C., Michael B. and J.T. Recorded between 1984-1988 at Strangeways Sound Studios in West London, their releases are chock-full of militant beats, industrial rhythms, sampling and dubby strangeness. - Last.fm.



[809] Lilith - Imagined Compositions For Water

Label: Hushush

Catalog#: HSH13
Format: CD, Album, Enhanced
Country: Canada
Released: 2002

1 Mission Bay Recorded At San Diego, California 3:01

2 Mississippi River Recorded At St. Louis, Missouri 11:40
3 Minnehaha Waterfall Recorded At Minneapolis, Minnesota 12:50
4 Roanoke Sound Recorded Near "Lost Colony", North Carolina 7:20
5 Devil's Millhopper Recorded At Gainesville, Florida 6:59
6 Pacific Ocean Recorded Near San Diego, California 1:21
7 The Gulf Of Mexico Recorded At Gulfport, Mississippi 0:30
8 Atlantic Ocean Recorded At Hattaras Island, North Carolina 12:26
9 Lake Michigan Recorded At Evanston, Illinois 9:02
listen sample

水の調音音声学。フィールド録音された具体音による作曲を行うアメリカの音響作家Scott Gibbons(スコット・ギボンズ)。石(1992年)、空気(1995年)に続く、単一素材のエレクトロ・アコースティック作「エレメント・シリーズ」第3弾の素材は水。メキシコ湾、ミシシッピ川、ミシガン湖、ミネハハ瀑布などで録音された音を、音響合成機器やトラディショナルな楽器を使用せずに、手製の電気コントローラーと最小限のフィルター効果により加工。本作は97年のアルス・エレクトロニカと、98年のコマンディーニ劇場、2カ所でのライブ音源をコラージュ。環境から切り取られ、

ICFW uses source audio and video recordings from Oceans-Rivers-lakes-waterfalls-etc, modified using analog & digital filters and effects, and only minimal computer processing to produce startling ar/rhythmic, timbrally rich, and microtonal music without synthesizers or traditional instruments. Homemade electronic controllers direct many of the effects. Featured at the 1997 ARS Electronica Festival (Linz). 


Scott Gibbons has been composing electronic music for nearly 20 years, with a two-fold exploration into the possibilities of natural acoustic sound on the one hand, and those of audio technology on the other. His compositions demonstrate an acute balance between delicacy and physicality, often focusing around frequencies that are at the outermost limits of human hearing, and embracing quietness as a central element. Cited by many as a seminal composer of micromusic and ambient 'isolationist' music, his early releases based only on the sound of stones and wind received praise from all over the world. - discogs

[808] Matteo Silva - Ad Infinitum

Label: Amiata Records

Catalog#: ARNR 0191
Format: CD, Album
Country: Italy
Released: 1991

1 Continuum 9:40

2 Transaxel 14:40
3 Alea Non Alea 8:10
4 Rasa 7:40
5 Continuum Ad Infinitum 12:50


Matteo Silva (Ulm, 17 October 1960) is an Italian-German author, music producer and ethnomusicologist. He was born in Ulm, Germany, grew up in Bologna and Lugano, Switzerland, and studied composition at Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory in Milan with Niccolò Castiglioni and philosophy in Venice; founder of the independent music record label Amiata Records; as radio editor he collaborated with Rete 2, a cultural channel of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation and produced the “Encyclopedia of World Music” in 65 volumes for the Italian RCS Group published by Fabbri; for the group “Espresso – La Repubblica” he produced the CD series of “World Music” published as attachments to the weekly magazine L'Espresso, a work that for the first time in Italy let music of less known cultures be accessible to a larger audience.
For Amiata Records, Wergo, and other independent record labels he produced more than 130 contemporary and ethnic music CDs in the USA, Germany, France and Italy. With Skeye music, he brought Carla Bruni and her first album “Quel qu’un m’à dit” to Italy just like the “Overhead” music group and other French and English artists. He produced music by artists like Arvo Pärt, Terry Riley, Steve Reich, Sainkho, Ustad Nishat Khan, i Fratelli Mancuso, Faraualla, Sangita Badhyopadhnay, Michael Vetter, Hans Otte, Gabin Dabiré, the Club Musical Oriente Cubano, Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, the Monks of the Sera Jé Monastery, The Bauls of Bengal. - wikipedia


[807] A Produce - The Clearing

Label: Trance Port
Catalog#: TPT 101
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: US
Released: 1988

A1 Farming In Arabia 5:36

A2 Tunnels 3:10
A3 Owachamo 4:58
A4 Pulse 4:01
A5 October 1st 4:49
B1 Ashes Of Love 8:12
B2 #2 2:53
B3 The Raw Silk, The Uncarved Block 8:45
B4 The Clearing 4:08

"The Clearing" was originally released in 1988 in an edition of 500 LP’s. At the time, I considered it to be “an album of conceptual space.” It was also very much a transitional album having gone from playing guitar in the “dark dance band” Afterimage in the early 80’s to where I was headed musically and creatively in the 90’s on up to the present. 

The notion of the Trance Port label also evolved in the early 80’s, first as a cassette releasing label of what was evolving as the “L.A. underground” music scene. Many of the artists I met during that time appeared on the two L.A. Mantra compilations issued on Trance Port during those years. 
Many also appeared on the tracks of "The Clearing" project. I am thankful for those artists’ varied contributions on this album. It would not have turned out as well and as interesting a project without them. 
After release of "The Clearing" LP, I began to drift into more space/ambient realms. Some of "The Clearing"’s original tracks have appeared on later compilations of my work. This is the first time the entire album has been rejoined as the whole it originally came from. An added “lost” track has been included on this CD release to complete the experience. For this release, all track tracks have been remastered by Loren Nerell and myself. - Notes by a Produce

[related link]

Robert Rich: Barry Craig (A Produce) – some thoughts


[806] Ragle - Dormin Slowly Died With The Radio On. Parts 1-82

Label: Scarfolk Records

Catalog#: -
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: UK, England
Released: 1974 (2013?)

Scarfolk is a town in North West England that did not progress beyond 1979. Instead, the entire decade of the 1970s loops ad infinitum. Here in Scarfolk, pagan rituals blend seamlessly with science; hauntology is a compulsory subject at school, and everyone must be in bed by 8pm because they are perpetually running a slight fever. "Visit Scarfolk today. Our number one priority is keeping rabies at bay." For more information please reread.

From Scarfolk Records 1974. The debut ambient album from 'Ragle' called "Dormin Slowly Died With The Radio On. Parts 1-82" This is part 71. It won 2nd prize at the Scarfolk harvest festival, having lost out to Gary Butters from Scarfolk primary school, class 5, who came 1st with his song "Eagle Eye Action Man." Ragle was the stage name of Eddie Rumpburn who was the manager of Twazzle's Hardware shop on East Twazzle Parade between 1970 and 1978. - Scarfolk Council

[805] The Hilliard Ensemble - Perotin

Label: ECM New Series
Catalog#: 837 751-1
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: Germany
Released: 1989

A1 Viderunt Omnes 11:36

A2 Veni Creator Spiritus 7:29
A3 Alleluia Posui Adiutorium 7:34
A4 O Maria Virginei 4:49
B1 Dum Sigillum 7:40
B2 Isaias Cecinit 1:44
B3 Alleluia Nativitas 8:31
B4 Beata Viscera 6:14
B5 Sederunt Principes 11:54
